Mark Roman Empire

Mark Roman Empire


Mark Roman. Eagle Scout. Expelled student editor. Subversive. He's puts the "I" in "improv". Frank” of Vegas 90210 … who folks conflate with Reno 911! For Disney.

Character * Writer * Comic * Actor * VO * Subversive * Human

The background artist The Roxy, Tom Cruise, Amnesty Int. & Barack Obama follow. The busker in short shorts & rainbow tactical leg warmers …
… known as “Lt. Who Nick Swardson calls a “great guy” and Thomas Lennon calls “bigger”. Who grabbed Denise Richards. Professionally. The SAG-AFTRA actor often a uniform cop, detective or other type


People seemed to dig my “Elmo trapped in Jason” at at The Maze in DTLA last night. Also, I’m certainly no Wednesday on the dance floor, but my knife chop move seemed to have fans in the VIP. HUGE thanks to for the gig!


If only I had this at the Hollywood Town Hall with at earlier today! Well now I do. I’m a loud and proud advocate and evangelist. I seek conversation and collaboration. Even with the deepest differences, we can still find common ground. And make our a slightly better place. I’m not running for office. I’m just a non-celebrity artist. Trying to survive. Just like my colleagues. Go to the shiny and new to learn more about the cause. And !


I can be Detective #5 again.
And Lt. Frank of can patrol football tailgates again, without fear that someone might watch Reno 911 or Barbie. And stuff.


I trust & . Not . I’m now satisfied our strike is over. Oh, and you haven’t even begun to see the new swagger and solidarity we all have. does not end with one strike over. Studios, streamers, and the Hollywood press are left with little credibility and a whole lot of ‘splaining to do. We who make the art will not forget.


Studios & streamers learning you don’t “handle” a strong woman.
You negotiate.
Like adults.
This SAG-AFTRA actor is on strike.
For as long as it takes.


As Mr. Rogers () would say: “It’s a beautiful day in the LaborHood”


I am smiling


About that …


She doesn’t f@ck around. So when suggests you check out … you know what to do.


Amid an ocean of .


Connor’s first comedy club audience experience


It’s a vibe


First beer with Connor.
Circa 2023.


Throwback to 2012 with my son Connor. On my way to pick him up from LAX now so I can spend the rest of August with my boy. Next month he turns 25 and flys to Europe to pursue his Ph.D. in microbiology. Or is it plant robots? He’s smarter than me and will explain it better. Later. Why am I on strike? This will be the first time we see each other. Since 2012. Living wages are not a luxury. They are crucial. Even for an unknown background actor. Oh, almost forgot. No. This is not pic of us on a ride. We were sitting on a bench. What do you think we are? Amateurs?


Found Keanu on picket line.


The shame is not ours.
If you need help
OR you can donate
find all the GoFundMe’s & Venmo’s as well as your Strike Funds Intake Form at .
Or ask me more about it on the picket line at Netflix tomorrow 10am-12pm.

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure?

Imperial Scroll

No cats. No garage. Just the ABCs: Actors, Buskers, Bands & Comics. Expelled student editors and subversives involved. Plus whatever else Mark finds groovy. Mark Roman. He puts the "I" in "improv". The Mark Roman Empire (also a podcast).

Mark interviews singer-songwriter Cassandra Salas, a Herb Alpert Music Scholar who just graduated from LA City College School of Music. It’s early days for Cassandra’s music, and she’s already known for “Singing the Blues” on SoundCloud and her very personal “Mannequin Head” on YouTube (performed at the Herb and Lani Concert Hall, LACC). A pianist and composer as well, her style includes pop, rock, R&B and alternative. A FOLF (Friend of Lt. Frank), Cassandra knows Mark from his early busking days in Hollywood. They discuss. Her new single debuts in weeks, and an EP is in the works. LISTEN

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