Conscious Businessing

Conscious Businessing


Getting conscious with Business Baddies Bunny, #TheVibeCreator


Putting a pause on the podcast due to some technical issues 😞

I’ll definitely be back !


You truly should read everything before you sign it


Doing the right thing isn’t always so clear and simple


This is IMPORTANT ! Friend... what is it that you're really passionate about ?

Bc your passion ain't got S**T to do w your business literally at all.... you need to pause and ask yourself if you really want to start this business. Or you may find that you just need to tweak your position and build a team for people to bring this business to life.

Answering this question will just help you understand your options a lot better.


Go for a walk 🫶🏼


No need to feel guilty. Just do better.


If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, you probably won’t be doing it for long


Give yourself a break. You’re doing your best. That means a lot 🫶🏼


What’s something you would suggest everyone should do to make their life easier ?


Best movie you’ve seen so far this year ?


What’s your favorite rock song ?


There's several stages of business. Which one are you currently in ? 🤔

☁️ Research and Development: This is where you're figuring out about whether or not you should even be starting a business. Maybe even testing the waters just a lil bit.

☁️ Start-up: At this stage you're doing paperwork and you're ready to get serious af. You know for sure this is the direction you wanna go.

☁️ Growth: Here is where you've done some trial and error and things are flowing well. You're stable. If you haven't already, this is where it's comfy to start paying yourself from your business but you're still reinvesting a bulk of your profits.

☁️ Mature: At this point everything is copacetic and you're just chillin. You're not taking a lot of risks, you're just enjoying the view.

☁️ Future Planning: This is where you decide if you're going to remain active in day to day operations or go ahead and step back. Will you exit all together and what would that look like ?


It's usually worth it to just wait for what you want instead of trying to settle in the meantime.


How much money each year do you think you personally need to be totally comfortable ?


Affirmation: I’m satisfied with the way my life is turning out ✨


Allow for the possibility that it might take you longer than anticipated


Around here... we do shadow work 🔦

In case you're new, shadow work is the process of intentionally addressing the parts of your personality or character that you'd rather forget.

The idea is that if you illuminate these hidden parts you can better integrate them and live a higher quality life than you are now.

It's usually an uncomfortable ass process frfr. It digs up a lot of trauma and requires you to be BRUTALLY honest with yourself. Even if you have no "trauma" it's still reminding you of stuff you're embarrassed of or ashamed of.

So this weeks question is: How important is your name to you ? Your birth name and your chosen name if you have something else that you go by.

Grab a notebook and fill up 2 full pages with your answer. See what you learn about yourself 🧠


What are you trying to create ?

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure?

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