Hekk ghaddew hames snin bhala kunsilliera.
Hames snin fejn hdimt kuljum, b’ideat godda, b’entuzjazmu, bil-qalb. F’dawn il-hames snin nista’ nghid li ghamilt kull ma stajt, kont maghkhom kuljum u f’kull hin tal gurnata. Qsamt maghkhom ferh u niket u hassejtni parti mill familji taghkhom.
Grazzi. Grazzi mill qalb tas-sapport kollu. Tal-fiducja li dejjem urejtu fija, tal-inkoraggiment u l’apprezzament taghkom.
Inwieghed li bhal ma dejjem ghamilt, il-fiducja taghkom insarrafa f’hidma. Irrid nara mhux biss kunsill li jahdem flimkien izda Qala maghquda. Flimkien nistew naghmlu hafna. 💙❤️
Mobile: 99866678
🇬🇧 Five years have passed since I began serving as a councillor. Throughout this time, I worked tirelessly every day, bringing new ideas, enthusiasm, and heart to my role. I can confidently say that I gave my all, being there for you every day, at any hour. I shared in your joys and sorrows, becoming a part of your families.
Thank you, sincerely, for your unwavering support, trust, encouragement, and appreciation.
As always, I promise to turn your trust into action. My vision is not only for a council that works collaboratively but for a united Qala. Together, we can achieve so much. 💙❤️
Mobile 99866678
Valerie Cassar Mejlak
Councilor at Qala Local Council
Wahda mill proposti li ressaqt lil Kunsill kienet propju biex issir pitch tal-bocci. Postijiet fejn tista ssir hemm diversi. Ma saritx bhal ma sarux mijiet ta’ proposti u idejat tajbin.
Proposta gdida hija dik ta’ chess tables. Din l’ideja gietni meta kont il village NY u t-tifla waqfet tilghab ic-chess ma ragel. Loghba ta’ hsieb. Xi haga gdida mhux biss ghal Qala izda anke f’Ghawdex.
Idejat u proposti ghandi kemm trid. Nhar is-Sibt bil vot tieghek, l‘idejat tieghi jistew jitgawdew minn kullhadd f’qasir zmien.
♟️ ♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️♟️
🇬🇧 One of my many proposals to the Council was to create a bocci pitch, identifying several suitable locations for it. Unfortunately, this request fell
on deaf ears.
My latest proposal is to install chess tables. This idea came to me during a visit to New York City, where my daughter stopped to play chess with a local. Chess is a thinking game that would be a fresh and enriching addition, not only for Qala but also for all of Gozo.
I have numerous ideas and proposals to share. With your vote on Saturday, we can bring these ideas to life, benefiting everyone in our community in no time.
F’dawn il-hames snin fil-Kunsill hdimt bil-qalb fejn jidhol il-qasam socjali. Hassejt li bhala l’unika kunsilliera mara ghandi nara li kull min ifittex l’ghajnuna ser isiba.
Hdimt fil-qrib ma l-fondazzjoni Puttinu Cares. Organizzajt mixjiet u bdejt ukoll il-mixja Qala 2 Ta’ Pinu 4 Puttinu li issa hija l’mixja ufficjali f’Jum id-Duluri ghal Puttinu f’Ghawdex.
Ftaht kamra tal-karita’ fejn nigbru hwejjeg, oggetti u ikel ghal min ikun fil-bzonn. Ta’ dan nirringrazzja lil Arcipriet Mons Edward, Fr.Charles u Fr.Mike tas-sapport kontinwu u lil dawk kollha li jigu jghinu kull meta jkun hemm bzonn. Il-volontarjat fil-Qala jezisti u huwa b’sahtu pero issa wasal iz-zmien li dan ic-cirku jikber u bhala komunita niehdu dejjem hsieb xulxin.
Wahda mill proposti taghna hija propju dik li jinfetah Day centre u Night shelter fil-Qala fejn l’anzjani ma jhossuhomx wahedhom. Din naraha bhala haga bzonjuza u bi hsieb u bil ghaqal dan il-post jista’ jkun ta serhan il-mohh kemm ghal anzjani u kemm ghal tal-familja.
🇬🇧 During my five years on the Council, I have dedicated myself wholeheartedly to social initiatives. As the only female councilor, I felt a strong responsibility to ensure that everyone seeking help would find it.
I have worked closely with the Puttinu Cares Foundation, organizing walks and launching the Qala 2 Ta' Pinu 4 Puttinu walk, which has now become the official walk on the Day of Sorrows in Gozo.
I also established a charity room where we collect clothes, objects, and food for those in need. I am grateful to Archpriest Mons Edward, Fr. Charles, and Fr. Mike for their continuous support, and to all the volunteers who assist whenever needed. Volunteering in Qala is strong, but it is time for this circle to expand, ensuring that as a community, we always support one another.
One of our key proposals is to open a day center and night shelter in Qala, providing a place where the elderly do not feel alone. I see this as a crucial initiative, and with careful planning and wisdom, it can offer peace of mind to both the elderly and their families.
Wiehed mid-dekasteri f’kunsill huwa propju dak tal-Harsien tal-Annimali.
Zgur li biex titkellem ghall dawn l’annimali trid tkun qabel kollox thobbhom u thobbhom verament.
Hemm bzonn ta’ aktar taghlim dwar dawn il hlejjaq li huma tant loyali.
- se nkun qed norganizza ‘talks’ kemm minn persuni fi hdan l’SPCA kif ukoll minn tobba tal-annimali.
- se nara li jsiru aktar attivitajiet fejn l’annimali taghna jippartecipaw ukoll.
- bhal ma kont f’dawn l’ahhar hames snin se nkun vuci ghalihom kull fejn kien hemm bzonn.
Bis-sahha tal vot tieghek nhar is-Sibt se tkun qed ukoll taghti lehen lill annimali kollha.
In a Local council, one key responsibility is also to advocate for the rights and well-being of animals. To truly represent these loyal creatures, one must have a genuine love for them.
To deepen our understanding and compassion, I will organize talks featuring experts from the SPCA and animal doctors. Additionally, I will ensure that more activities include our animals, fostering a stronger bond between them and our community.
For the past five years I was committed to being their voice whenever and wherever was needed.
By voting for me on Saturday, you will also be giving a voice to all animals.
Fl’ahhar laqgha tal-kunsill ergajt assigurajt li:
1. Il festun tad-dawl biex tinholoq atmosfera ta’ festa jidendel propju minn din il-gimgha.
2. Jinghata Il comtec kontra il-wurdien (issa u mhux fl-ahhar tas-sajf) madwar il kolonni kollha tal-pjazza.
3. Il pjazza se terga tkun zona pedonali fil weekends kollha tas-sajf. Dan se jkun mill ahhar weekend ta Gunju sa l’ahhar weekend ta’ Settembru, filghaxija mis 7 sa nofs il-lejl.
4. Waqt li l-pjazza tkun zona pedonali, din tibqa accessibli ghar-residenti KOLLHA li joqodu hemm. Tkun accessibli minghajr ebda ostakli ghal vetturi tal emergenza, ambulanza, firengine, karozzi tal-pulizija etc.
🇬🇧 At the last council meeting, I once again made sure of the following:
1. Festive lighting will be installed in the piazza this week to create a festive atmosphere.
2. Comtec treatments for cockroach control will be applied immediately, focusing on all the columns around the square.
3. The square will become a pedestrian zone on all summer weekends, from the last weekend of June to the last weekend of September. This will occur in the evenings from 7 PM to midnight.
4. During the pedestrian zone hours, the square will remain accessible to all residents. It will also be free of obstacles to ensure access for emergency vehicles, including ambulances, fire engines, and police cars, blue badge holders and anyone with any disabilities.
Wahda mill aktar affarijiet li jsemmulek ir-residenti hija l’ammont ta trakkijiet li ghandna jduru madwar il-Qala. Trakkijiet li dejjem qed jikbru. Sewqan ezagerat. Trabijiet, zrar niezel ma kullimkien, hsarat fit-toroq u nsemmi wkoll il-periklu meta dawn jghaddu minn toroq dejqa fejn lanqas biss hemm bankini fejn wiehed jista jimxi.
Hawn bzonn immedjat ta’ traffic management ahjar. U dan ghandu jsir minn min hu kompetenti u mhux ghax xi hadd fettilu li jaghmel triq one way ghax hekk jaqbel lilu.
Ilni hames snin ninsisti li jkun hemm speed limit signs, give ways, mirja specjalment go blind corners.
Fil Qala m’hawnx zebra crossing wahda u ilna hames snin nisimew skuzi ghal zebra crossing fi Triq l’Mgarr.
Proponejt zebra crossing quddiem l’iskola ezatt quddiem l’entrata principali u qed niproponi ohra quddiem il playing field ta’ Gnien il familja.
Dawn messhom ilhom li saru specjalment meta huma daqshekk bzonjuzi.
Kunsill effettiv jahdem fuq proposti tajbin b‘mod immedjat u mhux jivvinta l’iskuzi u r-residenti ma jinqdew qatt.
🇬🇧 In every house I am currently visiting residents are expressing their concerns about the increasing number of trucks traversing Qala. The excessive truck traffic, coupled with reckless driving, results in dust, gravel spillage, road damage, and poses significant dangers especially on narrow streets lacking sidewalks. This situation underscores an urgent need for improved traffic management, to be handled by qualified authorities rather than individuals pushing for changes that benefit them personally.
For the past five years, I have consistently advocated for the installation of speed limit signs, give-way signs, and mirrors at blind corners. Despite these efforts, Qala still lacks basic infrastructure such as zebra crossings. Specifically, we have been requesting a zebra crossing on Triq l-Mgarr for five years, yet we continue to receive excuses instead of action.
I proposed a zebra crossing in front of the school, right at the main entrance, and another one in front of the playing field at Gnien il-Familja. These measures are long overdue and critically needed. An effective council would act on such proposals without delay, rather than inventing excuses, ensuring that residents' needs are promptly addressed.
Fondi tal Unjoni Ewropea.
Dawn l’ahhar xhur applikajt ghal numru kbir ta fondi ghal diversi progetti u programmi. Progetti li se nkun qed nahdem fuqhom ma diversi Kunsilli lokali f’Ghawdex. Fil Qala wkoll qed nahdem fuq progett ma NGO li se tibbenifika minn hamsin elf €50.000. B’hekk din l’NGO se tkun tista issahhah isimha, tissoda, kif ukoll se jkollha opportunità ta’ 4 safriet madwar l’ewropa.
Tant hemm fondi ewropej li nistew nibbenifikaw minnhom fil-Qala. Din mhix weghda elettorali izda taht tmexxija serja u bilghaqal l’ammont ta’ progetti li nistew naghmlu fil Qala huwa bla limitu.
- opportunità ta safar ghal kulhadd, mit-tfal tal-primarja sa l’anzjani taghna.
- progetti ta’ tisbieh madwar ir-rahal kollu .
- ghajnuna ghal bdiewa u sajjieda
-progetti flimkien mal knisja, NGO’s u mal-ghaqdiet kollha.
Taht tmexxija bilghaqal dan huwa biss FTIT minn dak kollu li flimkien nistew naraw isehh u ngawdu flimkien.
🇬🇧 In recent months, I have applied for numerous European Union funds to support various projects and programs in collaboration with several local councils in Gozo. In Qala, I am also partnering with an NGO that will benefit from €50,000 in funding. This grant will enable the NGO to strengthen its reputation, consolidate its operations, and offer the opportunity for four trips across Europe.
The potential for Qala to benefit from European funds is immense. With strong leadership, the range of projects we can undertake is virtually limitless:
- Travel Opportunities: We can provide travel experiences for everyone, from primary school children to our elders.
- Beautification Projects: We can initiate projects to enhance the aesthetics of the entire village.
- Support for Farmers and Fishermen: We can offer significant assistance to our local farmers and fishermen.
- Collaborative Projects: We can work together with the church, NGOs, and various associations on joint initiatives.
Under effective leadership, these are just a few examples of what we can achieve and enjoy together.
Nhar it-8 ta’ Ġunju ohrogu ivvotaw.
Nitlobkom tivvotaw bil mohh izda anke bil qalb. Il-Qala ghanda bzonn tmexxija serja. Ghalxejn tgergru matul il hames snin jekk ma tuzawx il vot taghkom, jekk ma tivvutawx lil min lest li jgib lil Qala kollha l’quddiem. Jekk tridu l’ghaqda fir-rahal, ivvutaw lil min tistew tafdaw, lil min dejjem se jkun lest li jisma u jahdem maghkom.
Nemmen bis-shih li ghal kull problema hemm soluzzjoni. Pero kull decizzjoni ghanda titiehed b’serjeta u b’responsabilita’.
🇬🇧 On June 8th, exercise your right to vote.
I urge you to vote with both your mind and your heart. Qala needs serious leadership. Don't spend the next five years complaining if you don't use your vote, if you don't support those ready to move Qala forward.
If you desire unity in our village, vote for someone you can trust, who will always be ready to listen and collaborate with everyone.
I firmly believe that every problem has a solution, but every decision must be made with seriousness and responsibility.
F’dawn il hames snin tghallint li jew tiehu azzjoni jew ma taghmel xejn. Hija gharukaza li t-tfal tal-Qala m’ghandhomx playing field wahda. Playing field Magistrat Salvu Att**d saret biss il weghda ghal playing field qabel kull elezzjoni. Il playing field fi Gnien il-familja ilha f’telqa kbira u ma hemm l’ebda sigurta’ pjanata ghat-tfal.
B’fondi tal Unioni Ewropeja u b’fondi mahruga minn skemi tal-Gvern, nistew mhux inweghdu izda nibdlu dan kollu. Hemm problema fil playing field Magistrat Salvu Att**d? Mela sa kemm tissolva din il-problema, li jiena certa li settet issolviet b’mod ahjar (pero dak kulhadd jara hu kif ghandu jimxi u jahdem), sa frattant ghandna nesploraw zoni ohra ukoll. Ghall kull problema hemm soluzzjoni. Meta tahdem b’dan il-modd se tasal hafna aktar.
🇬🇧 Over the past five years, I have learned that you either take action or do nothing. It is disheartening that the children of Qala do not have a single playing field. Playing field Magistrate Salvu Att**d has become just a pre election promise, while the playing field in Gnien Il-Familja has been neglected for way too long, with no safety measures in place for the children.
However, with funds from the European Union and government schemes, we can promise to change this. Is there an issue with the playing field named after Magistrate Salvu Att**d? Until this problem is resolved, which in my opinion could have been handled in a much better way, we must explore other areas as well. Every problem has a solution. By working proactively, we will achieve much more.
Valerie Cassar Mejlak
Councilor at Qala Local Council
5 Snin ilu u Illum .
Naghzel li ma nwieghedx progetti ghax gejja elezzjoni. Izda nwieghed li nahdem biex it-tfal jkollhom playing fields kif jixirqilhom. Ilni hames snin kunsilliera taht tmexxija bla pjan. Gharukaza u dahk fil wicc tara weghdiet ghal playing field lejlet kull elezzjoni. It-tfal taghna jixirqilhom ahjar.
🇬🇧 I choose not to make empty promises about projects just because an election is approaching, especially when these same projects were promised five years ago and never delivered. Instead, I commit to working towards ensuring our children have the playing fields they deserve. For five years, I have served as a councilor under leadership that lacked a clear plan. It is a farce to see promises for a playing field resurface every election cycle. Our children deserve better than empty promises. They deserve real action.
Taht tmexxija bilghaqal ser naraw li tinghata priorità mmedjata lil toroq li saru perikoluzi immens. Wahda minn dawn hija propju Triq tac-Cawl. Hames snin shah inwassal l’ilment tal-bdiewa u ta’ dawk kollha li juzaw din it-triq, pero sfortunatament ma sar xejn.
Meta jwegga’ xi hadd ikun t**d wisq.
🇬🇧 Under proper leadership, immediate priority will be given to addressing roads that have become extremely dangerous, starting with Triq tac-Cawl. For five years, I have advocated on behalf of the farmers and everyone who uses this road, yet nothing has been done. We cannot and will not wait until someone gets hurt; action must be taken now.
Triq 28 t’April 1688 Qala
Wara 9 xhur, triq ta' mhux aktar minn 150 metru tlestiet ! Minn Awissu 2023 sa lejliet l-elezzjoni tal-Kunsill domna biex "tlestiet" bicca triq !
Tlestiet fil-fatt ? Le mhux totalment.
Qed taraw xi yellow lines? Xi stop signs? Slow signs? Speed limit signs? Le.
Qed taraw bankini lesti u mhux ta periklu ghan ties? Le.
Qed thossu li tistew timxi tul din it-triq minghajr ebda periklu? Le.
Bankini ta 30cm ghal certu djar u ohrajn ta’ metru u aktar ghal certi djar ohra. U x’se taghmel meta tkun ghaddej b’tarbija gewwa pushchair, x’se jaghmel min juza wheel chair? X’jaghmlu t-tfal fi triqithom lejn l-iskola? X’taghmlu intom? Filli mixi fuq bankina u filli mixi bi trakk ma' wiccek, b’xarabank wara dahrek u b’karozza ipparkjata ma genbek.
Ghiduli min se jiehu r-responsabilità ghal xi incident u ghal hsarat?
It-tgergir li lissint matul l-ahhar 9 xhur u ghadek ghaddej, sarrfu fit-8 ta' Gunju. Ivvota ghal min bi hsieb u bil-ghaqal se jmexxi l’Qala l’quddiem bi progetti li jibdew u jitlestew mill bidu sal-ahhar.
🇬🇧 28th April 1688 Street.
After nine months, a road of no more than 150 meters has been "completed"! From August 2023 until the eve of the Council election, it took an extraordinary amount of time to finish this short stretch of road. But has it truly been completed? No, not at all.
Do you see any yellow lines? Any stop signs, slow signs, or speed limit signs? No.
Are the sidewalks finished and safe for pedestrians? No.
Can you walk along this road without any danger? No.
The sidewalks vary dramatically, 30cm in front of some houses, a meter or more in front of others. How is a parent with a pushchair, a wheelchair user, or a child on their way to school supposed to navigate this? What do you do when you're walking on a sidewalk and all of a sudden you are back on a busy road with a truck in front of you, a bus behind, and a car parked next to you?
Who will take responsibility for any incidents and damages?
On the 8th of June, cast your vote for those committed to addressing your needs, ensuring your safety, and improving your lives.
Aktar hargiet.
F’dawn il hames snin organizzajt hargiet ghar residenti. Kull harga kienet tant milqugha tajjeb u kullhadd ha gost. Hemm bzonn hafna aktar.
Weekend breaks flimkien.
Festi popolari f’Malta.
Hargiet kulturali.
Il-lista twila ….. u okkazjonijiet ghandna kemm irridu u tajjeb li ngawdu dawn il-festi flimkien. Barra li niehdu gost inkunu qed insahhu aktar ir-relazzjoni ma xulxin ❤️
Over the past five years, I have organized a variety of new outings for our residents, all of which have been incredibly well received and thoroughly enjoyed. However, there's always room for much more.
I propose weekend breaks together, attend popular festivals in Malta, and immerse ourselves in cultural outings. The list of possibilities is endless, offering us countless opportunities to bond and create memories.
These outings are not just about having fun; they are also about strengthening our relationships with one another. Sharing these experiences brings us closer together, enhancing the sense of community among us. 💙
Trabbejt f’dar mimlija kotba. 📚
Ommi ma kienetx tixtri vazuni izda kull xkaffa li kelna d-dar kienet mimlija kotba. Qatt ma niftakar lil ommi minghajr ktieb f’idejja.
U hekk trabbiet l’imhabba lejn il-kotba fija u f’huti.
Il-bierah sa fl’ahhar reget infethet il-librerija tal-Qala. Post importanti ghan nies ta kull età’. Jien u shabi l’kunsillera kollha xtaqna naraw din il-librerija tinfetah minghajr ma jghaddi daqshekk tul ta’ zmien u dejjem approvajna l-fondi kollha mehtiega biex ix-xoghol isir u jsir sew.
Minn naha tieghi fil-pjazza dawwart il-kaxxa tat-telephone li ma kienx baqala uzu u rajt li tinbidel f’librerija zghira, fejn kullhadd jista jiehu u jpoggi l-kotba. Din il-librerija ghalkhemm zghira kienet ta’ success kbir. Il-kotba jinbidlu kontinwament, b’nies li bhali jhobbu jaqraw naghmlu uzu minnha ta’ kull gimgha.
Meta nkun imsiefra nzur hafna fieri tal-kotba. U fil-Qala nixtieq nintroduci wkoll il-book fairs fil-pjazza. Book fairs fejn it-tfal jintaqew ukoll ma awturi u ma karatri li jinsabu fil-kotba, b’hekk jidhlu aktar fid-dinja magika tal-ktieb.
🇬🇧 I grew up in a house full of books. 📚
My mother didn't buy vases; every shelf in our home was filled with books. I never remember my mother without a book in her hand. This is how my brothers and I developed a deep love for books.
Yesterday, the Qala library was finally opened, becoming an important place for people of all ages. My fellow councilors and I were committed to seeing this library open as soon as possible, and we always approved the necessary funds to ensure the work was done properly.
In the last years I transformed the old telephone boot we have in the pjazza into a small library, where anyone can take or leave books. This small library has been a great success, with books constantly changing hands as avid readers make use of it every week.
When I'm abroad, I visit many book fairs. Inspired by this, I would like to introduce book fairs in the square of Qala. These fairs would provide an opportunity for children to meet authors and characters from their favorite books, immersing them further into the magical world of literature.
Il pjazza tal-Qala.
Il-qalb tar-rahal taghna qeda propju fil-pjazza. Ghandna wahda mill isbah pjazzez f’Ghawdex u mill ewwel jiem ta din il-legislatura ridt nahdem biex il-pjazza natuha l’importanza li tixirqila.
Proponejt li l’pjazza ghanda tkun zona pedonali fil weekends filghaxija ma tul ix xhur tas-sajf, b’hekk flok tkun mimlija karozzi tkun mimlija nies u tfal.
Rajt fix xhur tas sajf il-pjazza tiddawal b’festun li johloq atmosfera ta festa.
Bdejt norganizza fieri fil Milied, fl’Ghid u f’festi ohra. B’dejt ‘b’xejn u minghajr qatt ma kelli flus mill kunsill. Izda minn fondi ohra tlabt u nsistejt li l-kunsill ghandu jinvesti fl’imwejjed u gazebos. Illum b’dawn li’imwejjed u gazebos nistew norganizzaw hafna aktar attivitajiet u mhux fil-pjazza biss.
Taht tmexxija serja irrid nara pjazza hafna isbah. Sistema ta parkegg organizzata.
Pjanti li jaghtu kulur u jsebhu.
Irid nara li l-kunsill jahdem id f’id mal Knisja u jkun ta ghajnuna ghal ghaqdiet kollha tar-rahal.
Ikun ta’ spalla ghar restaurants u bars fil pjazza.
Irrid nara pjazza mzejna ghal kull okkazjoni.
U fuq kollox irrid nara lin-nies, z-zaghazagh, lit-tfal jiehdu gost u jgawdu l-pjazza taghna.
🇬🇧 The heart of our village lies in our pjazza, and I am proud to say we have one of the most beautiful squares in Gozo. From the very beginning of this legislature, I have been dedicated to giving our square the importance it deserves.
I proposed transforming the square into a pedestrian zone on weekend evenings during the summer months. This change would replace the congestion of cars with a lively atmosphere filled with people and children. In addition, I envisioned the square illuminated with festive lights during the summer, creating a vibrant and joyful ambiance.
To further enhance the square, I began organizing fairs during Christmas, Easter, and other holidays. Remarkably, I accomplished this without using council funds. Seeing how everyone enjoyed these events I advocated for the council to invest in tables and gazebos which now enable us to host numerous events, not just in the square but throughout the village.
Under diligent management and a council putting the interest of the whole village as a priority.
I aim to see our square become even more beautiful. This includes an organized parking system and the addition of plants that bring color and life. I believe in a collaborative effort between the council and the Church, extending support to all village associations, as well as restaurants and bars in the square.
I envision a square that is beautifully decorated for every occasion, bustling with people, youth, and children enjoying themselves.
Kull parti tal Qala ghanda potenzjal. Verament jista jsir tisbieh f’kull parti u dan mhux qed nghidu ghax gejja elezzjoni. Ideat u proposti nista’ nikteb kemm irrid. Li ma rridx u li nahli l’hin u l’energija tieghi biex proposti jibqew fuq l’ixkaffa jew ghar minn hekk biex ikun hemm min ma jridx li dawn il proposti jsehhu.
Kif kont indur f’Ta’ Kassja, ezattament fi Triq in-Nigret, rajt li hawn jista’ jinbidel f’Belveder mill isbah.
-tinbidel il bankina li hemm, li hija fi stat ikrah,
-isir cint pulit li jkun baxx izda ta daqs wiehed,
-isiru embellishments b’mosaic li jikkumplimentaw il veduta mill isbah li hemm,
-jitwahlu bankijiet u ovjament qsari bil fjuri.
-ninvolvu lin-nies biex jiehdu hsieb il-qsari huma stess.
Bi ftit hsieb, b’kollaborazjoni mar-residenti, izda l’aktar haga importanti, b‘kunsill li verament jahdem biex insebhu u ntejbu l’hajja fil Qala, dan jista jsir, u mhux f’din iz-zona biss imma madwar il Qala kollha.
Hemm fondi apposta biex isir tisbieh madwar il bliet u rhula. Il-Kunsill tal Qala mhux jaghmel uzu minnhom.
Nhar it 8 ta’ Gunju ivvotaw ghal min se jahdem ghal Qala kollha. Flimkien maghkhom.
🇬🇧 Every part of Qala has the potential to be beautified. This belief is not driven by the upcoming election but by a genuine desire to enhance our community. While I could draft countless ideas and proposals, it's disheartening to think they might remain on the shelf or be dismissed by those who lack the will to implement them.
As I walked around Ta' Kassja, specifically in Triq in-Nigret, I envisioned transforming this area into a stunning belvedere.
- Revamp the existing sidewalk, which is currently in a poor state.
- Install a neat, low fence of uniform height.
- Create embellishments using mosaics that complement the breathtaking views.
- Set up benches and pots filled with flowers.
- Encourage residents to take part in maintaining the flower pots.
With some thoughtful planning and collaboration with residents, and most importantly, a proactive council dedicated to improving life in Qala, this vision can become a reality. This approach can extend beyond just this area, enhancing ALL of Qala.
There are special funds available for beautification projects in towns and villages. Unfortunately, the Qala Council has not been utilizing them.
On the 8th of June, vote for those who will work for All of Qala. Together with you we can make a difference.
Waqt house visits fiz zona ta’ Kassja.
F’din iz-zona irnexili nwahhal fil Qala l-ewwel bozza tat-triq fil Qala li tahdem bil panelli fotovoltajici. F’din it-triq it-residenti kien ilhom jitolbu lil kunsill biex ikollhom dawl fit triq taghhom ghal snin twal.
F’din iz-zona ezatt fejn kien hemm l’open skips li kienu illegalli, f’post li tellajt fuq fb fl’10 t’Ottubru 2021 kont qedtilkhom li ser nkun nahdem biex isir belveder zghir. Xejn kbir, zewg bankijiet, zewg pots kbar bil fjuri u tisbieh bi plakki tal muzajk li kien ghaddili il Ministru Ghal Ghawdex meta qatlu li nixtieq insebbah din iz zona.
Il-bankijiet ilhom zmien li inxtraw, il pots ghandna ukoll u ghalkhemm ilni nitlob lil kunsill biex johroghom dan baqa ma sarx.
Tifmuni li ma nistax nmur nerfahhom jien.
Kelli nitlob vot fejn b’4 voti kontra wiehed, ghaddiet li l-hadima tal kunsill kellhom jwaslu dawn il bankijiet u pots fuq il post. Sal lum dan ghadu ma sarx.
Proponejt ukoll li ghandu jsir railing ma tul Triq il-Barbagan kif ukoll bozza n-nahha ta’ fuq tat triq.
Ir railing ghandu jkun jikkumplimenta maz zona. Tistew taraw ezempju ta dan fuq ritratt li prezentajt lil kunsill.
Ma jistax ikun li biex proposta tajba tigi implimentata jridu jghaddu snin twal jew tibqa biss proposta. B’fondi tal Unioni Ewropeja dan kollu jista jsir u jsir malajr.
🇬🇧 During house visits in the Ta’ Kasja area.
In this area of our village I managed to install the first street lamp in Qala powered by photovoltaic panels. Residents of this street had been requesting lighting from the council for around 20 years.
In the same area, where there were previously illegal open skips, I announced on Facebook on October 10, 2021, that I was working to build a small belvedere. This project includes two benches, two large flower pots, and beautification with mosaic plaques provided by the Minister for Gozo, who supported improving this area. The benches and pots were purchased a long time ago, and I have repeatedly asked the council to place them, but this has not been done.
I cannot install them myself, so I called for a vote. With a result of four votes to one, it was decided that the council workers should deliver these benches and pots to the site. However, this has still not been carried out.
Additionally, I proposed installing a railing along Triq il-Barbagan and a lamp at the upper end of the road. The railing should complement the zone's aesthetics, as illustrated in a photo I presented to the council.
It is unacceptable for years to pass before a good proposal is implemented. With a local council that truly works for Qala and applying for European Union funds, all of this can be done quickly.