Last week I injured myself but worked hard to rehab in order to attempt to compete this week. I felt good after the first event and during the warm-up for event two. On the first lift of event two, I felt my quad pop again. I knew that was it and not worth the risk of further injuring myself and risking my 2024 season. I officially withdrew from the competition this morning.
I’m disappointed I can’t continue but am grateful to have had some time reconnecting with old friends and fellow competitors. I wish all of them best of luck and will be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Thank you to my PT in helping me recover this last week as best I could. Thank you to for being part of this process. Thank you to for always being with me during the highs and the lows and to the family for the support. To my family for always being present and in my corner. For all you who always encourage a support me, I am grateful.
Thank you for the opportunity - I’ll see you again next year!
Legends bound. See you soon, Phoenix.
Wishing the best of luck to all the athletes competing this week at the !
SO PROUD of my fellow ticos , and , this a dream that not everyone gets to experience and you guys are showing that by working hard it is possible.
Looking forward to watch and get ready for the next season.
Vamos ticos! 🇨🇷
Congratulations to all the amazing athletes heading to Madison for the . Everyone deserve it! It takes more than you think to be there.
Orgullo es lo que siento de ver 3 costarricenses lograron cumplir un sueño. Trabajando fuerte y hablando menos. Me encanta! Es hora de apoyar económicamente! Hago un llamado a empresarios y solo del negocio del fitness. Dueños de gimnasios, todos los que practicamos este deporte. Demostremos qué hay una verdadera comunidad. Dejen el ego y la envidia a un lado y apoyemos con más de un posteo en redes sociales o contratos que no solo tienen beneficio para un lado. Lo digo y lo mantengo no importa quien fue primero y quien va de último.
también es parte de este logro. Este gran Coach debe ser parte de este proyecto. Felicidades y José Pablo Luna. Disfrútenlo
Este post es mi opinión personal. Ninguno de ellos me pidió hacerlo.
Your struggles are here to strengthen you. Your limits are here to inspire you.
Your challenges are here to push you.
Grateful for the people supporting during difficult times.
I don’t try to understand everything.
Sometimes it isn't meant to be understood, but to be accepted.
📸 💥
Sad, that simple word describes how I feel, I am out of the semifinals process. Major penalty on workout 2A took me out of the top 30, from approximately 6th place to 34th, saying I apparently wasn’t fully extending at the top of the box. I will make something really clear in this statement.. not because I was trying to cheat. The same exact movement - jumping and moving fast and standing up was validated by CrossFit Games judges last year in my qualification and many others, but not this year. I appealed showing additional videos of me standing at the top, also showing 2022 videos, but it did not work in my favor.
Congratulations to all the top 30 guys moving on to Semifinals. I also congratulate all my fellow Costa Ricans moving on to the next step. If you need something just reach out, I am here to help.
Thank you to everyone at for letting me be a part of the family. It was a great experience as always last week being in Mayhem with all of you and I appreciate the support. It’s just not my year.
You feel lonely when you are at the top and you also feel lonely when you are at the bottom.
When you are down there you really get to see who your true supporters are. I’m grateful for you.
Science doesn’t lie! Research has shown that collagen before bed has many benefits, so why wouldn’t I include it in my routine?
💤 Thirdzy helps me sleep better while actively repairing my muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments… something incredibly important right now as I spend long hours in the gym training and preparing for qualifications.
💤 We can all benefit from great sleep and supporting a healthy body – join me and save 💥 20% off by now by using code VARELAZZZ 💥
Mayhem Athlete always supporting their athletes. Loving all the hard work everyone is putting into training.
I thought my season was done before I even started it. One week before the open I Injured my back pretty bad. Thank you to my therapist I was be able to keep moving. That’s the wrap… I got people in my corner and I won’t be able to do it without you. You know who you are. Time to heal and back to training.
Onto the next step…
Relax Sunday with the family, all meal prep, recovering and ready for another big week.
This year my son was born and I also lost my Father. That’s how life works. This year also give me the opportunity to work and meet amazing people and also remove some other toxic out of my life. Also show who really stood by me and make my dreams come true. ✌️out 2022 💛
I saved my black t-shirt at the for the last workout and dedicated to you VARELA.
Head down. Eyes forward.
Results do not happen overnight. You have to put in the hard work, stay consistent, be patient and avoid comparing yourself to others.
That first picture is a perfect description of how I started the competition. So frustrated with myself. Did not get the results I was expecting.
But I never gave up. That night I was told “you can do better” “you deserve to be here”.
I move on and just focus on what I can I control.
So proud of being surrounded by amazing people and athletes. All you guys are warriors and great people.
Thank you to all the volunteers, the organization, the judges at .
Thank you to coaches, staff, media creation and all the amazing people behind the scenes.
Thank you to all the people, athletes who came and talk to me and wish me the best.
Thank you to my crew at for your real support.
Thank you to my friend for always believe in me and be a huge part of this winning.
Thank you .berger and your beautiful family for always be so kind with me since we met at the games. That’s why you are Fitest man of earth at the
Thank you to my family for always being with me in the bad and the good moments.
We made it my friend! I could not ask for a better person to share this competition with than you and your family. We put on a fight for 4 days and we finished every workout with a hug and sharing the experience. Should we team up in Costa Rica?! What do you guys think?!
My number 1 coach with my number 1 cheerleader!
Espero compartir con todos y todas en
Este próximo Lunes tendremos a un gran amigo y colega, Jonathan Varela, atleta de Crossfit Games 2022 el cual estará compartiendo un wod con la comunidad de Cabila en la clase de 4:55pm.
¡No te lo pierdas!
Nunca se olvida donde todo inicio. Hace 8.5 años hice aquí mi primer Crossfit workout sin saber que eso inició mis deseos de llegar a los 2022. Pura vida gracias.
Compartamos juntos mi experiencia en los Crossfit Games 2022. 👊🏽
This week has included a day of Karen - 150 to target wall balls for the Kura crew and the same for me + additional work mixed in, courtesy of ⚡️
A little over a month ago, the CrossFit Games Event 6 - Carrying Karen, put us to the test with a combo of movements, which kept the legs burning 🔥
For time:
168-ft Husafell carry
50 wall-ball shots
168-ft Jerry bag carry
40 wall-ball shots
168-ft sled push
30 wall-ball shots
168-ft Husafell carry
20 wall-ball shots
168-ft Jerry bag carry
10 wall-ball shots
168-ft sled push
The first day I got to the warmup area, I won't lie, it was really intimidating, not just of how big
and how much equipment we had access to, but also to share the space and the equipment with your favorite athletes that I get to see only from a distance and on TV. That was a little shocking for me but also a reminder that I belong to the competition floor.
When I was done competing it was like going from 300 mph to 0 mph in one click.
I was watching from the spectator side hours later and that was another shock for me too.
My daughter was my biggest support, completely part of the Games. I took the time to take her with me behind the scenes and let her enjoy having pictures with not only the top Crossfit Athletes in the world but also amazing humans who took the time to take a picture.
Thank you because you guys are impacting the kids' lives by showing that your hard work is
the answer, not a magic pill, but also being humble and kind with people.
All these guys are on the top of the game and they do not brag how good they are or think they are more than others. Let's learn from them.
The first day I got to the warmup area, I won't lie, it was really intimidating, not just of how big and how much equipment we had access to, but also to share the space and the equipment with your favorite athletes that I get to see only from a distance and on TV. That was a little shocking for me but also a reminder that I belong to the competition floor.
When I was done competing it was like going from 300 mph to 0 mph in one click.
I was watching from the spectator side hours later and that was another shock for me too.
My daughter was my biggest support, completely part of the Games. I took the time to take her with me behind the scenes and let her enjoy having pictures with not only the top Crossfit Athletes in the world but also amazing humans who took the time to take a picture.
Thank you because you guys are impacting the kids' lives by showing that your hard work is
the answer, not a magic pill, but also being humble and kind with people.
All these guys are on the top of the game and they do not brag how good they are or think they are more than others. Let's learn from them. .lawson_5
When you let the faith and belief in the hard work you put in die off, your dreams become impossible.
Thank you Morning Chalk Up for the story. I’ve appreciated the journey so far, even the challenges, and am excited for what is ahead.
I’m grateful to be a Mayhem Athlete and for the support of my sponsors Doer Fitness and WYLD GEAR, and for my gym Kura Fit.
Never stop dreaming… but put in the work to make it happen. The CrossFit Games CrossFit
Jonathan Varela Overcomes Childhood Challenges to Represent Costa Rica at CrossFit Games
“It feels amazing to be carrying the flag of my two countries, Costa Rica and the USA. Even when I would be the only one on the field representing my country, I (don’t) feel alone, I know there are a…
“Too much action with too little intent makes for wasteful exertion of energy and the confusion between movement and progress.” – Steve Maraboli
Just two dudes enjoying the off season. ☀️ 🕶 🌋
WYLD GEAR CrossFit The CrossFit Games Mayhem Athlete Kura Fit
No matter what life brings, I will always be a Mayhem Athlete. 💣💥
I knew my expectations and my goals as a competitor. At the end of the 1st day, I was really disappointed with myself. I was expecting better results, I did the opposite of what I always tell everyone: Focus on what you can control. Once I started focusing on that, I was able to remind myself there was a reason I qualified in the top 10 in the world. From there, I started enjoying the journey. You can tell that in the leaderboard.
I am really proud of myself for closing strong and seeing a little improvement in the events. I made a LOT of rookie mistakes and I take responsibility for them. But I did not fail, because I learned a lot.
I want to thank my wife Leah for taking care of basically everything while I was getting prepared for the journey. Thank you to my children, Ophelia and Atlas for being my inspiration. Thank you to my family in Costa Rica and in Wyoming.
Thank you to Mary for being part of the judging process and sticking with me during the hard times. Thank you for the huge help during the Games. We are so grateful.
Thank you Amy, Eulynda, Marcie and Melissa for driving crazy long hours and bringing my gear back. I am glad you were able to witness what it takes to play in the big leagues, not just me, but athletes you admire and what it takes to be on that competition floor.
Thank you to the Kura Fit crew. For your support, patience and understanding as I prepared and competed at the Games.
Thank you to the amazing Mayhem Athlete team: Jake Lockert, Chris Hinshaw, Sage Burgener, Facundo and everyone behind the scenes.
A special thank you to my Mayhem coach this past week, Jordan Webb, you are a big reason why I kept pushing and to recover that trust in myself. Like I said, I may not have won a medal but I won a friend and that is huge for me.
Thank you Rich Froning for serving as an inspiration this year and all the years past. I am grateful for you checking in on me this past week, in my eyes this is what makes you even more of an incredible athlete.
Thank you to every single one of you in Costa Rica who took the time to write something & gave me that extra push. I felt the support from everyone - recognizing the effort it takes to be in the Games and support one single reason, our dear flag.
Thank you to WYLD GEAR for your support and providing me with the best supplies to go compete.
Thank you to Doer Fitness, for providing me with the best gear to be able to train and compete. This includes the Media team who were with me on-site, you guys are incredibly talented!
Thank you to my therapist Nancy Robertson Therapy for taking care of my old body to push it to the limits. Thank you to my swimming coaches Bridger Miller and Kade Hillibush.
Thank you to everyone who made a donation to help with Games expenses. To Morning Chalk Upfor highlighting athlete’s fundraising platforms. To NOBULL for all the incredible uniforms, shoes & gear, and all the awesome The CrossFit Games sponsors for the athlete swag.
Lastly, to my fellow competitors, I am honored to have been able to compete next to the fittest people in the world.
What is coming is better than what is gone.
Me siento muy orgulloso de representar mi Costa Rica. Gracias a todos los que me apoyan. Pura vida!
(VIDEO ) Tico Jonathan Varela finalizó octavo en los CrossFit Games 2022 en su categoría
Muy orgulloso de representar mi amado país Costa Rica. Muchas gracias por el artículo LaJornada.cr. ✌🏾🇨🇷
Costarricense Jonathan Varela quedó octavo del mundo en los CrossFit Games 2022
Esta es la segunda vez que Costa Rica tiene participación en este gran evento.
Repost from
El costarricense Jonathan Varela quedó octavo del mundo en los CrossFit Games 2022, la máxima competencia global de dicho deporte. 🤩🔝🇨🇷
A nivel histórico, solo tres atletas ticos y una paratleta tica han logrado clasificar a los CrossFit Games. Estar en los Games es el máximo sueño de cualquier competidor. 😮
¡Presentación histórica para Costa Rica! 🙌🏽
One critical piece of equipment that I carried with me everyday while at The CrossFit Games was the WYLD GEAR Daze Backpack Soft Cooler. 🙌🏽 Staying hydrated and fueled was an essential part of my competition and recovery. Everything stayed 🧊ice cold 🧊 even through scorching temps and high humidity. 🌡☀️ Thank you team Wyld Gear!
Final day of events for me at The CrossFit Games today. My heats are tentatively scheduled for 11:30 am, 3:20 pm and 5:20 pm Central time. Thanks for the support and encouragement!
Mayhem Athlete WYLD GEAR Kura Fit Doer Fitness
Couldn’t have been more honored to carry my country’s flag in the opening inauguration ceremony for the The CrossFit Games 🇨🇷
Two of three complete ✔️
Repost from
Game mode is on🔥🔥
It’s been a great start for our athletes🏋️
We wish them the best on what’s coming next
My daughter Ophelia begged me to take her with me for a moment to the athlete area… and look who she decided to snag her first flex 💪🏾 picture with - she’s now a forever fan. Thanks to these incredible women for making this little girl’s day! Sam Briggs
The CrossFit Games Morning Chalk Up Kura Fit