Thank you for all your support! It was a great opportunity to learn and grow. I admire all candidates (past, present, and future) who put themselves out there to live in a glass house and be vulnerable. Congrats to Mike Bleak!
Destry Griffiths for Iron County Commissioner
Destry Griffiths is running for Iron County Commission Seat A in the 2022 election. He looks forward to serving with Paul Cozzens and Marilyn Wood.
Sen. Lee’s Detailed Plan to Fight Inflation Salt Lake City – Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) was joined by Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) in Utah this week as they discussed the nation’s energy needs and rising inflation costs on American families. The senators met with energy industry leaders, discussed the issues with local elected officials, and ...
Personally and philosophically, I am behind restoring our Federalism roots. It starts at the local levels.
I was listening to an interview with Senator Mike Lee. He is supportive of the REINS Act. If we could get this passed, we could restore our representative governance from the bottom up approach and return State Sovereignty. This could have the potential of erasing years of bad government regulation.
Read about the REINS Act
Senator Mike Lee:
"My legislature, my legislative plan for if we get the majority, focus is first and foremost on passage of the REINS a very simple thing. It just says our laws, laws that affect the American people have to be passed by the People's elected lawmakers and not unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats....changes everything, it has a spillover effect on everything bad the federal government does. So I think we should focus on that and make that our pinnacle achievement and promise....powers that you don't know the government has, because the people have never given up that power because they've never elected anyone who gives the power to some nameless faceless bureaucrat who well well educated, hard working and well intentioned, doesn't work for you. You can't fire him or her."
We need to re-elect Senator Mike Lee
President Ronald Reagan, speaking in 1982 to the National Association of Counties (County Commissioners) concerning the Federal Government overreach. Every local elected official would gain perspective and understanding of the original intent in regards to Federalism.
President Reagan's Remarks at Conference for the National Association of Counties on July 13, 1982 Full Title: President Reagan's Remarks at Conference for the National Association of Counties at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland on Ju...
You've probably seen my signs around the county; please help the campaign if you are willing!
I have yard signs you can put in your yard; feel free to contact me for one (or two so you can give one to your respected neighbor). I have also put some at the GO Green DevDen (479 N 200 W). Feel free to go by and snag a couple to show your support.
If you really want to help me win, please visit my website ( and learn what a I stand for! If you like what you see, please donate via the Venmo link on the bottom of the site.
Thank you for your support!
Marlo Oaks will be here in Cedar City on May 12th at the Heritage Center at 7pm.
Don't miss out on this opportunity.
Check out my campaign website!
Thanks to Brad Green for his help with this.