Falun Dafa coming in the world

Falun Dafa coming in the world


We wish you to know that Falun Dafa is good。Thank you


Imagine wearing a piece of clothing that resonates with your core values and reminds you daily of the greatness you aspire to achieve.

Our Timeless Virtues Collection is designed just for that. Each piece is a statement of your commitment to living a life filled with goodness, kindness, and purpose. When you wear these timeless reminders, you’re not only enhancing your style; you’re embracing a lifestyle of positivity and inspiration.



Happy new year🎉🎊🎇


Falun Dafa is an ancient cultivation way for improving mind and body。The practice's most visible aspects are its five gentle exercises,including a meditation,assimilation of the highest qualities of the universe- Truthfulness,Compassion and Tolerance。


Telling the World Truth about the Torture and Murder of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
stop organ harvesting in China.
Learn more at http://www.stoporganharvesting.org In China, tens of thousands, possibly millions of people from the spiritual group Falun Dafa, together with other prisoners of conscience and ethnic minority groups have been the victims of a state-sanctioned mass murder for organs for sale. It took ten years for the world to acknowledge this crime against humanity. Evidence shows the killing continues to date.

Photos from Shen Yun Dancer's post 31/10/2024
Timeline photos 31/10/2024
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