Please be advised that my January 16 domestic docket is cancelled.
PRESS RELEASE Williamson Williamson County Mayor, Rogers Anderson has announced the closing of all Williamson County Government Offices due to predicted continued inclement weather conditions for Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Additionally, the Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Trustee, Property Assessor, Juvenile Court Clerk, Circuit Court Clerk and Clerk and Master have announced closing and there will be no Juvenile Court, General Sessions Court or Circuit Court. https://williamsoncounty-tn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/23973/Administrative-Closing-Jan-16-24
Election Day is this Tuesday, May 3rd!! Don’t forget to get out and vote if you haven’t done so already!
5.4% of county's registered voters participate in early voting
The Williamson County Election Commission announced early voting numbers late Thursday.
Huge thanks to all the volunteers helping me with my campaign! Tonight we had 9 volunteers making calls to voters asking them to vote Deana Hood for Circuit Court Judge!
Very honored to be endorsed by the Sargent Legacy Fund. I knew Charles and his family well. He served our county and state well and with distinction.
Sargent Legacy Fund endorses primary candidates
The Sargent Legacy Fund recently announced its endorsements for candidates in the May 3 Williamson County Republican primary.
I think I got one! Thank you Jim Pat Flowers for being a great, supportive husband, for serving our country and for voting for me! Early voting starts today through April 28. Remember, there is no early voting at the county complex. We have a link to early voting polling places on this page to find the one closest to you. https://www.williamsoncounty-tn.gov/683/Early-Voting
As an active mother in my daughter's schooling and sporting activities, as well as an involved member of the Williamson County community, I often hear the same themes repeated when meeting with parents & grandparents. Our community wants experienced, constitutionally focused leadership on the bench. As your next Circuit Court Judge, that's exactly what you can expect from me! I'm asking for your vote in the Republican Primary to ensure Williamson County has an experienced, conservative leader on the bench!
*Early Vote April 13-28, Election Day May 3 | Follow the link to find your polling location> https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/
-Currently serve as Municipal Court Judge for the City of Franklin since 2014
-Currently serves as Municipal Court Judge for the City of Spring Hill since 2018
-Appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court to the Judicial Ethics Committee
-Member of the Board of Governors for the Tennessee Municipal Judges Conference
-Attorney for the past 26 years
*Early Vote April 13-28, Election Day May 3 | Follow the link to find your polling location> https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/
Williamson County! I’m asking for your vote in the upcoming Republican Primary to ensure we have an experienced judge on the bench! Early vote from April 13-28, Election Day is May 3. Follow the link to find your polling location> https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/
I would be honored to have you join me next Wednesday, March 30th, anytime between 4-6pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!