8 Ways to Make Money Playing Video Games
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't make money playing video games. Here are 8 ways to get started.
Parents tend to worry when their offspring are so enthralled by video games they spend much of their free time up in their room, not studying or reading but playing online. But did you know there are ways to make money playing video games?
Your kids probably do.
Take for example, PewDiePie - they all know who he is. They may not know his real name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. And they may not know his net worth is estimated at between $14.5 million and $30 million. But they know he is the most famous 'YouTuber' ever.
Most people can't make as much as PewDiePie has, because he started doing it back when few people even knew money could be made playing video games. But, just because you or your offspring won't likely become the next most famous YouTuber, doesn't mean there isn't money to be made.
How to Make Money Playing Video Games: 8 Ways
1. Quality Assurance Tester
Video games are ultimately the result of computer programming - getting a computer to react the way the developer and gamers want it to, to look right, and perhaps feel as realistic as possible, like Star Trek's 'Holodeck.' To achieve this, game design companies need some independent people to play them to tell them what is good or what is bad, what works and what doesn't.
That's where being a QA tester comes in. The designers and developers need to know how users feel about a new game or upgraded design, not just that it has some technical problems. They're not testing the wiring or circuitry or power supply. They're testing, like kids with a new toy, how much more fun a new or upgraded game is for players than those already in the market.
QA testers don't just play a game through to its highest possible level. They play different designs, different builds, multiple times, until they can find nothing to object to, and report they had fun.
Think of working in QA as being paid to solve multiple puzzles. Any glitch or mistake or thing wrong in a program has to be reproducible, so developers can figure out how to eliminate it.
Much of QA work is contract work, so don't expect to get rich. But it still could pay between $10 and $15 an hour, and that's better than your average minimum-wage job.
2. Game Tester
The most basic difference between a Quality Assurance tester and a 'Game Tester' or 'Beta Tester' is that QA deals with a product that's already met a certain level of quality as desired by the developers. Being a 'Tester' involves literally trying to 'break' a game, or find out ways to mess it up or analyze why it may or may not be fun for users.
3. Become a Professional Gamer
Yes, mom and dad, that's a 'thing.' Pro Gamers are now competing around the world, and winning millions at events sponsored by the Major League Gaming circuit, the International Dota 2 championship, and Intel Extreme Masters. MLG has built arenas across the country from which to host and stream live professional gaming events. It even has scouts and communities on the internet to find the best, untapped players.
The best advice for how to get involved is to pick a game, namely one you consider yourself already good at playing, and become an expert at it. Then, build your reputation as both a skilled player and a team player. Then, participate in eSports games.
4. Become an Entertainer and Streamer (Like PewDiePie)
Every gamer or YouTube follower knows the moniker "PewDiePie." But how did Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg become so famous? Well, he started out just playing video games, and uploading videos of himself playing on YouTube. He came up with his name because he thought it would be pronounced like the sound of the "shooter" video games he preferred playing. "Pew, pew," - the sound of electronic simulated gunfire or electronic laser shots.
He originally was calling himself "PewDie," then lost his credentials for that YouTube channel, and started another one, with the handle "PewDiePie." And a star was essentially born.
Justin Bieber, similarly, was discovered after uploading videos of himself performing some songs on YouTube.
The beauty of YouTube for entertainers is that essentially all that's needed now is a cellphone with a video camera and you can start uploading videos of yourself in a channel that people looking for entertainment online can see, and, ultimately, to which they can subscribe.
That being said, AdroidPIT advises streamers to be sure your equipment is reliable, and as close to professional as possible.
They suggest dual monitors, and perhaps two PCs, so you can play a video game on one and keep an eye one and respond to fans on the other.
To do that, you need a video capture card to connect the two machines, which will help with the streaming rate.
Also, keep in mind that, especially with a growing number of streamers, all inspired by PewDiePie's success and money, (he is reported to earn an average of $400,000 a month) your personality is the key more than what game you play or your equipment. You are there to entertain people, not just play a game in your room quietly by yourself.
The first step, of course, is to record yourself playing and upload it to a YouTube channel, like PDP (shorthand for PewDiePie).
To start a YouTube channel, you need a Google (GOOG) - Get Report account. In YouTube, go to Creator Studio. From there, it will tell you that you must create a channel to upload videos. Click "Create a Channel," and create a channel.
To upload videos to your account, go to "Video Manager," and in the upper right hand corner you'll see an 'upload' button. Click it, and you'll be ready to upload your first video (that you downloaded to your computer). There is also an icon for streaming "live" to your fans.
5. Join Twitch
Twitch, a live streaming video platform, is a subsidiary of Twitch Interactive, which was acquired by Amazon (AMZN) - Get Report in 2014 for $970 million. Twitch was, in 2014, the fourth largest source of internet traffic in the U.S. Twitch has a "Partner Program" that pays partners $3 for every 1,000 ad views; $5 a month for every subscriber and, combining it with sponsorships, Amazon referral links, and PayPal (PYPL) - Get Report donations, gamers can start to build both their audience and their income.
That's because, even more than YouTube, Twitch is used by gamers to stream video game playing. Among the common tips from people who have done it are: try to focus on one particular game, to narrow focus of fans on you and your channel; maintain a consistent, and reliable, schedule; consider streaming with a friend, so you have someone to interact with on your stream besides just the game; when your channel attracts fans, interact with them.
Twitch's Partner Program allows content producers to share with the platform the advertising revenue generated by their streams. Twitch partners also get a share in the monthly channel subscription, though there was at one time a requirement for prospective partners to have 500 or more average viewers.
Twitch launched an Affiliate Program in 2017, to allow smaller channels to generate revenue.
6. Contact Sponsors
After you get a following for your stream, whether it's on YouTube, Twitch or elsewhere, to generate more revenue you will likely want to contact sponsors - just as, in the past, television producers used to seek sponsors for programs.
To acquire sponsors, the first thing you need to do is prepare to impress them. Next, search for brands that you like, that might want to sponsor you. Consider as well: would you, or do you, use their product?
Next, find who in that company do you want to notice you? Use social media to find them, or to help them find you.
And remember, you're not trying to sell them anything; you're trying to convince them that you can bring value to them or their product.
7. Get Paid Directly to Play
Again, this may come as a shock to some, but yes, there are actually sites that will pay you to play their games.
You won't be paid in cash upfront. You may get paid in some form of electronic or cryptocurrency, like tokens or 'coins' that then you can turn in to gift cards or prepay cards, such as with Banatic, Swagbucks, and InboxDollars.
Most of these sites are looking for you to not only play their games for free, but also to review them. Some, like InboxDollars, are actually a service for marketers to reach potential customers, from which InboxDollars shares some of its advertising income.
8. Provide Game Play Tutorials
You can even make money producing tutorials on how to play video games. Your YouTube channel or streaming site will earn money with every person that clicks on it. Advertisers pay Google, for instance, to display ads on videos. Google, a division of Alphabet, owns YouTube.
To start, open an account at AdSense, and link it to your YouTube account. Choose whether you want video or banner ads to display.
But a warning: to make money with video game tutorials, or any tutorial, you need to get thousands of people to view it.
That's about it.
But it's enough to counter the argument you'll never make money playing video games.
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Want to Get Paid to Play Games? Become a Game Tester!
Our sole aim is to cover almost all the topics from the Software Testing industry. Very few testing professionals are aware of the Game Testing industry and the Jobs offered by it.
The Game Testing Industry is expanding rapidly and currently, there are several “Game design” and “Video Game testing” openings available in the market. Here is a very interesting article on game testing which will give you a brief idea about the Game Testing industry!
Game Testing Industry – An Introduction
The Video Game Testing industry is set to become the largest industry now.
In spite of the recession, there was no dearth in the sales of the game titles, although the game console sales were hit and the game testing companies had to revamp their strategies.
Further reading =>> Top Video Game Consoles to explore
Gaming had its own ups and downs over the years but it continues to grow leaps and bounds. Facebook application games are really path-breaking with budding developers experimenting with their knowledge. Episodic games are a new thing. Games for the iPhone are the new frontier too.
So, no one in the game industry knows where games will be even two or three years from now. The only thing they know is that everything is changing and the games that will be released in the upcoming years will be different from what we have now.
Following Openings are available in the Gaming Industry:
Video game programming Jobs (designing video games)
Video game testing jobs
Designing Video games requires skilled and experienced video game designers. Testing video games are equally challenging as the game tester needs to have solid writing skill, excellent communication skill, and the habit to keep attention for details.
Video game testers play a critical role in the game development industry. As video game programmers spend years designing video games and video game tester needs to make sure it’s ready for release in a very short time span.
What Is A Typical Game Testing Process?
It takes from one to three years to develop a Computer game (depending on the scale). Testing begins late in the development process, sometimes from halfway to 75% into development (it starts so late because, until then, there is a little to play or test).
Once the testers get a version, they begin with playing the game. Testers must carefully note any errors they uncover. These may range from bugs to art issues to logic errors. Some bugs are easy to document but many are hard to describe and may take several steps to describe so that a developer can replicate or find the bug.
On a large-scale game with numerous testers, a tester must first determine whether the bug has already been reported before or they can log the bugs themselves. Once a bug has been reported as fixed, the tester has to go back and verify that the fix works properly- and occasionally return to verify that has not reappeared.
Game Testing Strategy
There are several strategies involved in the Game Testing process. Given below are few of them:
#1) Evaluation Of Game Rules
Game rules adequately explain the operation of all the components of the game including features, free games, etc. Each Game functions as per the rules defined.
#2) UI, Functional, Performance, And Compatibility Test
It includes verification of Game outcomes and if the data are correctly shown when games are played. Verify Game Functionality such as Game Progress, game outcomes, handling of incomplete and re-started games, multi-player games.
#3) Verification Of The Integration Points
Check if the Game win determination aligns with the Game Rules.
#4) Reviewing Gaming Procedures
Procedures will be reviewed by System management, player account management, tournaments, and promotions.
#5) Infrastructure And Security Review
Require verifying all equipment and network implementation for secure and reliable operation. For Example, Time synchronization, OS reliability, and security.
How To Test Games?
This process is almost similar to product or web application testing. Here is the typical game testing process:
Identification: First analyze and identify the Game rules and its behavior.
Functional Testing: Ensure if the Game works as intended. This also includes integration testing with third-party tools used if any.
OS and Browser compatibility: The most critical Game testing part is to ensure if the Game works on required Operating systems. For online games check its functionality on all intended browsers.
Performance Testing: Performance Testing Technique becomes critical for online games if the gaming site handles betting on the game. Game testers must verify if the Game Testing site smoothly handles customer load.
Multi-player Testing: For multi-player games, you need to verify the game functionality to handle all players and the functionality with a fair distribution of game resources to all players.
Reporting: Bug reporting to developers. Bug evidence needs to be produced and submitted through the Bug Reporting System.
Analysis: Developers hold the responsibility to fix the bugs.
Verification: After the fix, the bug needs to be verified by the testers to confirm that it shouldn’t reappear.
Game Testing Tips
Understand Random Number Generator evaluation (RNG): This is very important to add unpredictability in the Game. In most of the games, this RNG system is used to map its outcome.
First, identify the “game algorithm” from the Source code in order to identify the issues in the Game application.
Verify the source code for the appropriate use of random numbers and error handling. (Only if you know the source code)
Validate and evaluate the predefined rules of the Game.
Verify the consistency of the game rules.
Make sure any offensive content or material is never displayed.
Regularly Check the Game history and system event logs.
Make sure if the Game outcomes are displayed for a reasonable time only.
Irrespective of Single/Multi-player games, we need to validate the bandwidth and the client software.
Verify Minimum/maximum limits of bets, deposits and other critical game symbols.
Verify correct game and system operation after game failover and recovery.
Always verify all the reports for data accuracy. Verify reports for a date, time, number of wins, money etc.
Test System requirements are very important in Game testing. Verify all the infrastructure and security requirements, Game equipment, network and game synchronization with the OS.
Make sure if sufficient information is always available to the users to protect Game players.
Game Testing Jobs
The gaming field is getting much better day by day and the Career as a Game Designer or Game Tester is very bright. There are several game testing professionals making a decent amount of money as a video game tester, working from home itself.
Present Internet generation bringing massive innovations and scope to grow. IT and Non-IT people are willing to spend their free time playing video games or any online game. “Game testing from home” is now a new trend to earn money.
We can clearly see that getting into our daily activities. Game Testing Career is turning hot day by day in the market.
If anyone of you is trying hard to get into the gaming industry then you need to have the interest and passion that drives you to success. Due to the addition of vast and complex new games, Game QA is no longer less technical than general software QA.
Game testing was widely considered as a “stepping stone” position but now it’s becoming a full-time job opportunity for experienced testers.
If you have a passion for games and a good understanding of testing methodologies, becoming a successful game tester is not difficult for you!
About the Author:
This is a guest article written by a Game Testing Expert named “Malini”. Malini has over 10 years of experience in IT including development, testing and project management, and her passion is in advancing the profession of software testing.
Her technical articles and white papers have been published in many leading websites. She holds an MBA in IT and a GNIIT diploma. Read more about Malini on her Blog.
If you are in Game Testing Industry, your valuable inputs will help our readers to know more about Game Testing. So please share your tips and suggestions on Game Testing in the comments below.

Beta Testing Jobs: Get Paid To Test Video Games and Mobile Apps
Can't do without your apps or video games? I have a lot of family members who love playing video games or always find the coolest apps. I'm pretty conservative and basic with the apps I download, but I realize that people can create apps on their own to sell to Android of iPhone users.
One of the cool things about seeing new apps in the app store or witnessing new video games come out is the fact that everyday users get to test the products before they hit the market. That sounds like an awesome side job to me!
Yes, you can get paid to test games and mobile apps. In this blog post, you'll learn how it works, how much you can make, and who's hiring. This is a great alternative to website testing jobs.
How to Get Paid to Test Games and Apps (How it Works)
Apps need to be user-friendly and one of the best ways to find out is to hiring beta testers so you can get real feedback before officially launching the product.
Usually, most developers and companies will go to a 3rd party website or source to hire beta-testers who are just everyday people and real app users or video game players. Once they register and pay a fee, the testers get to sign up to use the product and offer feedback.
As a tester, your role may vary depending on the project's needs but you'll be able to accept the project and all the tasks first.
Keep in mind that your review and feedback doesn't always have to be positive. It should be honest in order to truly help the developer improve their product.
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