Julie Whitehead

Julie Whitehead


Survivor | Mom, wife, advocate for survivors of abuse and s*x trafficking

The Day I Escaped Trafficking 03/03/2023

Today is the anniversary of my escape from trafficking. I wrote a blog post reflecting on what this day means to me. You can read it here:

The Day I Escaped Trafficking Someone close to me recently reminded me that my “rescue date” was drawing near. I paused when I heard this because I had always considered…


Human Trafficking Prevention Month has come around again, and I find myself reflecting on the past year and the route my healing journey has taken me. I am grateful for my achievements and progress, and I acknowledge the areas of my healing that need more focus.

My thoughts are with survivors who are working through their traumas, and I wish them well as they travel through the hard times and the even harder times.

My heart breaks for all those who are still being trafficked and abused, and I pray that someone will recognize the signs of their ordeal and make a phone call to the National Human Trafficking Hotline—potentially freeing them from the perpetrator soon.

I look back on all of the wonderful things the Malouf Foundation has done this year to help survivors. I am truly honored to be a part of something so special as I serve on their survivor advisory board for another year.

My hope is that more and more people will take the OnWatch training and be on the lookout for the most vulnerable among us. Thank you to everyone who has taken the training and is in a better position to help.

Spotlighting ImOnWatch.Org – WARM 106.9 01/12/2022

I recently shared about my experience and the OnWatch training on the WARM 106.9 radio show. You can listen here:

Spotlighting ImOnWatch.Org – WARM 106.9 Luke Madsen a member of the Malouf Foundation, and Julie Whitehead a survivor of 31 years of abuse, including s*x trafficking, join us to talk about On Watch. I

The Power of Saying, “I Believe You.” 17/11/2022

As part of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation's We Believe You campaign this November, I wrote about the reactions I received when I first started sharing my story and the impact it had on my healing.

Many survivors of s*xual abuse are not believed when they report their experiences, which can be very damaging. It is difficult to find the strength and courage to tell someone what happened to you, and if they don’t believe you, it can be very hurtful and have negative psychological effects.

Read my full post here:

The Power of Saying, “I Believe You.” When I was rescued from trafficking, I didn’t immediately tell anyone what I had been through. For one, I couldn’t fully grasp what…


I’m always honored when asked to share my story. It’s not easy to tell, but it gives me the unique opportunity to take something tragic and use it to help others who are going through something similar or are supporting someone who is.

I am grateful to spread awareness of the traumas I’ve experienced, particularly s*x trafficking. I truly believe it will take all of us looking out for each other to put an end to trafficking and other forms of abuse. The burden is too great for law enforcement and other agencies to handle on their own. We all need to take action.

I’m particularly hopeful about all of the businesses and groups that have taken on combating s*x trafficking as their charitable cause. Businesses can have such an amazing influence on their staff and customers. I know several large companies that have taken on this cause and are educating their employees.

I recently spoke to a group at Visionary Homes, and I was grateful to their employees for taking the OnWatch training and becoming familiar with the signs of s*x trafficking and what to do should they see it. They were an exceptional audience filled with compassion and a desire to make a difference.

I believe that people in our communities are essential in spotting, reporting, and stopping s*x trafficking. Thank you to all those who are striving to make an impact in this space. You are heroes!

Timeline photos 10/10/2022

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Elizabeth Smart to talk about my healing journey and some projects that I'm currently working on. Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/smart-talks/id1517514059?i=1000582138429

Julie Whitehead is a survivor of child s*xual abuse, domestic abuse, and human s*x trafficking. Her story of abuse spans 31 years and was discussed in Smart Talks season 1, episode 14. Today, Julie joins Elizabeth to talk about the steps she's taken in her healing journey and what the future holds for her. She mentions certain tools she's learned to overcome triggers, her developing book, and her thoughts on her life purpose.

Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/smart-talks/id1517514059?i=1000582138429


A couple of weeks ago, a friend told me they might have seen a trafficking victim and wanted to know my opinion on what she should have done. My friend said a woman approached her at a gas station and that she appeared to be drugged and maybe even injured.

She said this woman was asking for a ride to a motel and would pay my friend cash. My friend was frightened by this woman and told her sorry but she couldn’t give her a ride. As soon as the woman left the gas station, my friend had a gut feeling that something was terribly wrong.

When my friend asked for advice, I said I would have called the police if the woman appeared to be in immediate danger. I also told her about OnWatch, which is a free online training that helps people recognize and report the signs of s*x trafficking. My friend said she would take the training so she’s better equipped next time.

I ask all of you to take the OnWatch training. S*x trafficking is happening all around us. We just need to know what we’re seeing and then what to do about it. If you’re ever uncertain about a situation, always trust your gut feeling. I escaped trafficking because a bystander followed his intuition that something was wrong, and I’m grateful he took action to help me.

The best way to make a report of suspected trafficking is through the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 (or text “Info” to 233733). If someone needs immediate help, call 9-1-1. If you want to learn more about how to report suspected trafficking, take the free OnWatch training at IAmOnWatch.org.

Advice for Supporting Survivors of Trafficking 31/08/2022

Many survivors of trafficking find strength in a partner, friend, or loved one as they navigate their healing path. I can’t say enough about the strength my husband gave me and how he helped me hang on when everything seemed to be falling apart. I want to pay tribute to other supporters of survivors and give them insight into what my husband went through and the advice he has to share.

Read his insights here: https://medium.com//advice-for-supporting-survivors-of-trafficking-269198a13c64

Advice for Supporting Survivors of Trafficking Many survivors of trafficking find strength in a partner, friend, or loved one as they navigate their healing path. I can’t say enough…

Owens, Lieu Introduce the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2022 - Burgess Owens 09/08/2022

I’m excited to see continued efforts to support victims and survivors of trafficking. The Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2022 is a bipartisan piece of legislation that would allow survivors to expunge certain criminal records.

As someone who knows firsthand the realities of trafficking, I can say this bill would be life-changing for survivors. My trafficker forced me into situations where I easily could have been arrested, and I complied because I knew it was a matter of life and death.

Every survivor deserves to heal and move forward, and this bill is a great step toward providing the peace and confidence they need to start or continue that journey. Let’s all be part of the movement for change and impact in the anti-trafficking space.


Owens, Lieu Introduce the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2022 - Burgess Owens Washington, D.C. – Today, Reps. Burgess Owens (UT-04) and Ted Lieu (CA-33) introduced the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2022, bipartisan legislation to give survivors a path to clear their criminal records of non-violent offenses committed as a direct result of having been a victim of traffi...

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