Aly Issabelle: Alt Model+MUA

Aly Issabelle: Alt Model+MUA


Page for the professional modeling and makeup artistry portfolio of Aly Issabelle.


I've been very quiet, radio silent even. And for that I apologize. So, let me catch everyone up a bit.

A little over a year ago, I got an intestinal infection that completely threw my body outta whack. Little did I know just HOW messed up it would make me...

I got down to 78lbs.
I was having daily/hours apart seizures.
I couldn't even sit up without my heart rate going to 130+BPM
I developed another (rare) heart condition that may land me a pacemaker further down the road.
I couldn't care for myself.
I felt my heart flutter and weaken to a point I was sure it would quit on me.
Eating was so impossible it was like none of my digestive medicine was working at all.
For the first time in the history of my "screw logic I'm gonna push through", my doctors were scared. Scared I really wouldn't make it. My cardiologist, my EDS doctor, and my gastroenterologist all swore I was one step behind having a machine live for me (and were even planning the necessary steps to arrange that).

So I did the only thing I could think to do: I stopped. I stopped modeling, I held off any sessions for my photography (which hurt my soul), and I just took one big creative hiatus. I switched to a meal plan that'd keep someone 4 times my size sustained, and I rested more than I've ever rested.

Somehow, against literally all odds, I made it (my neurologist still isn't quite sure HOW, but hey).

But, it felt like someone had clipped my wings, and left a mess of feathers in their wake. I lost motor function, strength, cognition, and so much more. I felt like I'd lost an integral part of me; like I wasn't ME anymore because I couldn't do things.

That couldn't be further from the truth. I'm still me; I'm still an artist, a creative, a human.

I'm still learning how to navigate with a body that can't do things, and I wish I could tell y'all I'm gonna bounce back in a jiffy like I used to. But, I'd be lying if I did that. It's a very, very slow process; and I'm just grateful I didn't lose this fight. 💜

Love, sparkles, and everything spooky:
-Aly 💜
Self portrait/photo by Aly Issabelle Photography


Spooky season has unfortunately been quiet for me this year, but I do have this spooky edit from my session this past summer with Tabitha Nicole 🥰

Headpiece: Hysteria Machine
Wig: Arda Wigs
Wings: HelloFaerie


Photographer: Simply Savannah Art
Wings: HelloFaerie


First of many images from the humanoid dragon Maleficent set I did with Tabitha Nicole back in the summer! 😊

Headpiece: Hysteria Machine
Wings: HelloFaerie
Wig: Arda Wigs


Photographer/Wardrobe: Simply Savannah Art
Wings: HelloFaerie


Photographer: Simply Savannah Art
Dress: Askasu
Scale Maile: Valkyria Fantasy Designs
Circlet: Firefly Path


Tiny human, huge tree. 🌳🌸🧝🏻‍♀️
Photographer: Emily Allison Photography LLC
Dress: Askasu
Ears: Aradani Studios - Elf Ears and Costumes


In the chaos of everything I completely forgot to share some BTS from my unseelie fae queen session with Simply Savannah Art a few weeks ago! Super excited for yall to see the results! 🥰 Ft wardrobe and accessories by Savannah and her HelloFaerie wings!


Got to be a humanoid version of Maleficent's dragon form for my session with Tabitha Nicole ft her wings by HelloFaerie and my Hysteria MachineHeadpiece. Can't wait to show yall the results. 🐲🥰💜💚🖤


"Because you, like Rome, were built on ashes. And you, like a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect."
Photographer: Wurmwood Photography


More dolly things from my session with JRD Designs & Photography, LLC? Well, if you insist. 💖 (Also hello I am a human pretzel. Thanks EDS. 🤪🥨)

Wig by Arda Wigs


Another lovely image from my cherry blossom elf session with Emily Allison Photography LLC ft dress by Askasu and ears from Aradani Studios - Elf Ears and Costumes 🌸💖


And now, more fabulous things from my session with Jesse Adams Photography :D

Headpiece: Hysteria Machine
Dress: Killstar


I almost couldn't decide which image to post first from my spring elf session with Emily, but this one just makes me feel like a shoujo anime main character. 🌸💖

Photographer: Emily Allison Photography LLC
Dress: Askasu
Ears: Aradani Studios - Elf Ears and Costumes


Got to be the prettiest spring elf for my session with Emily Allison Photography LLC 🥰🌸🧝🏻‍♀️ Excited to show y'all the final images!


"You have risen from the ashes before. The only way to survive is to believe you always will."
Photographer: Wurmwood Photography

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