Mani is goin to go, anybody wanna do the Mud Girl Run 😀😀😀
Art Made, Art Promoted,
Love received, Love spoken.
Mani is goin to go, anybody wanna do the Mud Girl Run 😀😀😀
And that's facts.
Class starts in 10 on YouTube.
Emotional and Spiritual Armor and intelligence Class.
I will be Divulging into
-underingly spiritual beliefs and your relationship to them.
-the correlation between your Soul and will power and how to amplify both.
Alu-tru tha Poet
Class starts tomorrow
On YouTube
Alu-tru tha Poet.
Turn on the notification Bell.
I will be Divulging into
-underingly spiritual beliefs and your relationship to them.
-the correlation between your Soul and will power and how to amplify both.
-understanding the Mind & body frequencies and how it inhibits your will power.
And lastly
- Creating Soul Armor and Weapons
is in the building!!!!!
Good morning ☺️
I started class on my YouTube page for emotional and Spiritual armor and intelligence a lot of signs were assigned creating journals as homework here are a few examples of mine happy healing
Let's recap on the year
Let's get some trajectory going
Peep my tracks on SoundCloud ☺ ❤️ 💜
Hey there, it's been a while.
Professor cornel west is running for president I'm sooo happy ya'll.
I say with all sincerity.
Go cite for that amazing Man ❤️💜💕🎊
Let do something unpredictable and change the projected outcome of they thought.
Don't you love suprizing ppl.
I took this Pic 6 years ago today.
I was hanging out with Mona and Jesse
The was day I created one of my favorite songs.
🤔 I trust you
If your still needing after meeting,
If your asking about the dynamic, if your lacking, is it really a solid ship? 🤔
I got peace all around me,
Ain't no question my guy,
I got peace all around me
Change the game to inspire,
I got peace all around me
Gonna build a empire
I got pezzz all around
Protected by the Devine,
I got peace to manifest
Exactly just what I need,
I will achieve every single goal
I gonna outshine me.
☺ ❤️ 💜 ❤️
Happy last quarter,
Happy solstice
Happy Halloween
Felt that creative passionate energy flow.
Allow each idea and energy to have a color, a sound, a movement.
Allow the energy to flow.
Puberty reigns supreme
Happy birthday Bambi.
Babmi turned 13 yesterday 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Thank you so much for everyone who signed the Petition. It got into the right offices, and he was released.
☺ ❤️
"Power in numbers ya'll let's keep this momentum up. We gotta start lookin out for our community and come together, we are own protection. And together we can protect each other.
I truly appreciate ya'll, take care thank you." - dad.
I am so proud of my dad
Project time.
☺ ❤️
Each chakra has its own frequency it projects out. It reflects the energetic balance within you.
Isolation is key for self evaluation.
One Step at a time.
Growth takes work.
💜🎊🎉❤️ Happy awakening ya'll
Feed the Jody what it needs
We all have a mission.
Zak and Cody have been waiting 15 years for this dinner reservation. We can't let them. Miss it.