


The South Central Kansas SmorgasChorus is an official chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society's Central States District.

The South Central Kansas SmorgasChorus is an official chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society's Central States District, and a BHS International Top 20 chorus.

Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/28/2025
Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/28/2025

Such an AWESOME night! Thanks to all that joined us for guest night!! If we missed you, we’d love to see you NEXT MONDAY at 6:45 PM at Wichita Collegiate Upper School!!


Hey CSD Facebook land! Don't forget to check out the current edition of the SERENADE for January/February 2025.
Go to, click on District then click on Serenade and BAM, it's right there!

We definitely welcome feedback on the Serenade, what you like/what you don't like, what you would like to see more of and so on, you get the idea!!
We would love to hear from you, drop a line or 2 in the comments and let us know!! πŸ’ˆπŸŽΆ

Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/27/2025

A few more picts with Dan Wessler!

Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/25/2025

The SmorgasChorus welcomed Dr. Dan Wessler for an ALL DAY coaching session! What an incredible day!


7 years ago we recorded this video in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We hope you enjoy our tribute, "If I Can Dream", recorded by Elvis Presley, arranged by Steve Armstrong.


Tim and SB Mowing ready for Cornbread?!? πŸ€£πŸ’ˆ

Photos from Augusta Choirs's post 01/18/2025
Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/17/2025

SmorgasChorus hosted a Youth in Harmony workshop yesterday at Sterling College. More than 250 students from 10 local schools learned a variety of barbershop music!
Kudos to all of the SmorgasChorus members who helped facilitate the event! We continue to "Keep the Whole World Singing."




Spring Convention and more!

The 2025 HEP School has been scheduled for February 22, 2025 in Shawnee KS. Registration
Information is on the CSD Website.
2025 Spring Convention and Contest will be held in Kansas City, MO, April 10-13. The
Headquarters Hotel and Venue is the Kansas City Airport Hilton..
● Registration Deadline for Quartet and Chorus Contest Registration is March 11.
● Preferred Rate Hotel Reservation deadline is March 19.
● EarlyBird Convention Registration deadline is March 11.
● Harmony Platoon Registration is open. Register link is on the CSD Website. Register
soon so you have time to learn the songs.
● Chorus/Quartet Coaching will be available both Friday and Saturday. Sign up on the
CSD Website.
● In addition, a variety of classes, roundtable discussions and other opportunities led by
the Contest Judges and District Leaders will be available both Friday and Saturday.
We have contracted a special room rate with the Kansas City Airport Hilton. As long as you
make your registration before March 19th using the link on the CSD Website, the room rate will
be $139.00 per night plus taxes and reduced parking fee of $5.00 per night. The rate includes
complimentary access to the work out facilities and Indoor/Outdoor Pool, along with
complimentary WiFi.
The Convention Team is always exploring ways to enhance The District Conventions and other
Learning Opportunities for our District Members. This is growing into a HUGE, fun, different
convention! The contests, while important, will be just a small portion of the weekend. Imagine
if you will, a Harmony Platoon, HEP School, Leadership Academy, Top Gun, mini-Harmony
University, coaching, and more, all rolled into one fun event!
New opportunities for the 2025 Spring Convention include: Harmony Platoon Thursday evening
and Friday morning, Quartet and Chorus Coaching from the Contest Panel Judges, various
leadership and informational classes/discussions led by members of the Judging Panel and
other District Leaders, an EIH Mass Sing at a nearby shopping Center on Saturday afternoon.
Examples of some of the classes that will be available (based on sign-up):
● 60-90: Westminster Guide to Performance
● Getting the Most from Your Coaches;
● Write Better Grants: How to Find Money and Tell Your Story
● Encouraging Youth in BBShop Forum;
● Musical Leaders Roundtable;

● 5 Easy Steps for Vocally Expressive Performances;
● Building Community w/in the Ensemble
● Vocally & Visually Expressive Performances;
● How & Why of Warmups
● Show Me Your Overtones!
● Holy Intonatius, How Can I Sing in Tune?
● Making Great Word Choices Through the Alexander Technique
● Singers Posture Myth Busters!
● Change Your Habits for the Better Using the Alexander Technique
● Happy New Ear!
● Chapter Leadership Classes for President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chorus Manager
● Social Media Tips and Tricks
Reminder: The Spring Convention Contests are for Quartet International Prelims and Seniors
Chorus Mid-Winter Prelims. Any quartet or chorus can enter for Score and Feedback. And there
will be plenty of opportunities for coaching.
Of course we will have a Show and party on Saturday Night. We are very fortunate to have
three members of the International Quartet BrouHaHa on the Judging Panel and the 4th
member will be attending. They will sing on the show and be leading classes and coaching
throughout the weekend.

Photos from SmorgasChorus's post 01/16/2025

Wow!! It’s been a GREAT day so far! πŸ’ˆπŸŽΆ


And we’re off! Check out the group that the is working with today! Stay tuned for more pictures and video!


Congrats, Ian! Check out our Barbershopper of the YEAR! πŸ’ˆ

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Videos (show all)

#KeepTheWholeWorldSinging  #barbershopharmonysociety #barbershop #barbershopharmony
Guest night tag time!  #barbershopharmonysociety #barbershop #barbershopharmony
First TAG of the night!!  #barbershopharmonysociety #barbershop #barbershopharmony




1221 N Webb Road
Wichita, KS

Opening Hours

Monday 6:45pm - 9pm