Chucker Guitars Videos

Videos by Chucker Guitars. Handcrafted Original Custom Instruments

An early unplugged sound sample as I continue to make the nut and intonation adjustments. #mosaic #handcrafted #handmade #handmadeguitar #guitar #naturalingredients #wichita #kansas #madeinkansas #madeinwichita #wichita #kansas #ict #guitarmaker #boutiqueguitars #luthier #guitarbuilder #guitars #handmadepickup #semihollow #acoustic

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Other Chucker Guitars videos

An early unplugged sound sample as I continue to make the nut and intonation adjustments. #mosaic #handcrafted #handma...

Making the transition slope from fingerboard to headstock. #handcrafted #handmade #handmadeguitar #guitar #naturalingre...

First notes from #21 after attaching the neck. #handcrafted #handmade #handmadeguitar #guitar #naturalingredients #wich...