The Pipers & Drummers of River City wish a very happy St Andrew's Day to you and yours. Là Fhéill Anndrais sona dhuibh!
River City Pipes & Drums brings traditional music of the Scottish Highlands to the Plains of Kansas
Authentic Scottish Highland pipes & drums in Wichita, Kansas USA
The Pipers & Drummers of River City wish a very happy St Andrew's Day to you and yours. Là Fhéill Anndrais sona dhuibh!
A very happy Thanksgiving to all the USA families, friends, and fans of River City Pipes & Drums!
November 15 is National Drummer Day! Here's to the lads who keep the beat strong for River City. And by coincidence, they both share a birthday on the 17th. Double the celebration!
Official announcements and details to come, our 2025 Burns Concert will be Thursday, Jan 23, 7:30 PM. Mark your calendars!
The Scottish Halloween traditions of neepie lanterns (jack o’lanterns), apple dookin’ (bobbing for apples), and guising (the distinctly Scottish version of trick-or-treat) are old familiar favorites. But did you know that in Scotland, the observance of Oidhche Shamhna (Halloween) is also about telling one’s future, especially in the romance department?
During the time of Oidhche Shamhna, the barriers between this world and the Otherworld become thin, and easily crossed. This allows glimpses of the future, and what—and who—the year ahead may bring. One of the oldest traditions is that of fuarag, a blend of cream, whisky, oats, and honey, into which a number of ‘charms’ are stirred. People take turns dipping into the fuarag with a spoon while blindfolded, in hopes of scooping up the charm that tells what lies in the new year. A button indicates a lad will live the bachelor's life, while a thimble means a lass will remain a spinster. A coin signifies coming wealth, and a ring means marriage is in your future.
It is also said that if a single woman will gaze into a mirror at this time (perhaps best at midnight Halloween), she will catch a glimpse of the man she will marry. Verses like “On Halloween look in the glass, your future husband’s face will pass” and “He is your fate whose face you’ve seen, in the mirror this Halloween” might well improve your chances of such a vision, or maybe yield a better result!
Other tradition holds that you will see the face of your true love by gazing into a fire on Halloween. Couples already together can burn hazel nuts in a fire; if the nuts burned quietly, the couple will share a happy year, while hissing and crackling sounds foretell a rough road ahead.
Kale-pulling is another traditional way to look into the future for couples and individuals. Those who would know their fates put on blindfolds, and pull up stalks of kale from the garden. The size and shape of the stalks tell the difference between a happy future and misfortune, and the qualities of a future spouse.
So who needs Valentine’s Day? Oidhche Shamhna sona dhuibh uile!
The Pipers & Drummers of River City are once again privileged to have performed at Westwood Presbyterian Church for the Kirkin' of the Tartans this morning. Many thanks to Pastor Tom Wylie, the Session, and all the kind congregation for allowing us a place in your worship service.
Seaton Castle in East Lothian is up for sale, for £8 million (a cool US$10.5 million). Look for the band's GoFundMe soon...
Seton Castle, Longniddry, East Lothian, EH32 0PG | Property for sale | Savills Property details for Seton Castle. One of many properties for sale in Longniddry, East Lothian, EH32 0PG from Savills, world leading estate agents.
Of course, some don't need a costume...!
Finally they came out with a good costume! 😄 Get yours before they're gone!
Many thanks to all friends old and new who came by to hear us this weekend at the Great Plains Renaissance and Scottish Festival. Hope that a grand time was had by all! See you in April.
Saturday! Sunday! Join us st the Fall Great Plains Renaissance and Scottish Festival, at Sedgwick County Park. We will be playing at the new Siege Engine Arena, see our schedule here
And don't miss the Parade of Clans each day at 11:30. See you there!
Do any of our friends in the Topeka area take the Capitol Journal? There's a recent article on a Topeka piper we can't access. Thanks!
One week! Join the Pipers & Drummers of River City as we return to the Great Plains Renaissance and Scottish Festival. On Saturday & Sunday at 11:30 AM, we will play in the Parade of Clans. Other performances times will be posted as soon as they are announced, so watch this space. Be sure to stop by and visit us on Clan Row, near the Scottish heavy athletics. See you there! Huzzah!
Playing in a pipe band is a total experience. Find out for yourself! New members are slways welcome, all ages and experience.
All I Need to Know, I Learned in Pipe Band From the moment you step into a circle with your pipes or drums, the lessons begin. Being in a pipe band isn't just about playing music—it's about building skills and values that stick with you for life. Here’s what I’ve learned: • Play Well with Others: Whether it’s harmonizing with piper...
Today the Pipers &Drummers of River City had the pleasure of performaning at the annual Caledonia Celtic Gathering, hosted by the Masonic Caledonia Lodge #459 near Little River. Many thanks to all who welcomed us for your generous hospitality. We enjoyed playing for you, and look foward to next time.
Honoring tradition and dedicated to excellence, River City Pipes & Drums combines time-honored and challenging repertoire with forward-looking techniques, to bring the music of Highland pipes & drums to audience across Kansas and beyond.
The band is available for performances and occasions of all kinds, from parades and parties, to weddings, graduations and funerals. No one does pipes & drums like River City!
New players are always welcome into the band, whether you are a fresh beginner or experienced player. We rehearse Thursday evenings in Wichita. Please contact us for more information.