Mi vocación es el servicio, quiero poner a disposición de mi Municipio mis conocimientos, mis expe
Salem Township Trustee Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Salem Township
Representative in the Kansas Legislature, serving House District 85
Barbara Bunting currently serves as the Harvey County Representative in PSA #2 of the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature.
"Knowledge Is Power, Power Is Preparedness" Get involved! Vote your voice!
Celeste Racette for Sedgwick County Commisioner Campaign. Wife, mother, grandmother with 25 yr financial expertise.
Kansas State House of Representatives 84th District (Wichita, Kansas)
CURRENT U.S. PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP IS LACKING ~ Paij Boring is the person who can provide this leadership and guidance for our nation! She is a candidate of the people and for the people. JOIN PAIJ'S TEAM TODAY!
A positive and encouraging leader working hard for the city of Derby.
Kathy Busch, a Republican candidate for Kansas State Board of Education, District 8.
Betty Arnold is a prior ten year member of the USD 259 Board of Education. She is seeking election
Sponsored by David Sowden for School Board, Fred Harvey Treasurer
Kansas State Rep. Nick Hoheisel (97th) Paid for by Hoheisel for Kansas, Misti Hoheisel Treasurer
Page for the Brody Flavin for Halstead City Council campaign.
Tim is a father, former small business owner, veteran, and proud Kansan. Social Justice is what he fights for.