A collection of Poetry by Des The Poet
I'm an award-winning author and editor. I run The Well-Caffeinated Mom (formerly Wining Wife). I own WRE Consulting Services.
Wichita State Senior Communicator Paul Suellentrop covers all things Shocker Athletics.
Author & Witch Jodi has ADHD & needs magic to be simple to keep her sanity.
i believe in the power of words and their ability to liberate the human being to thrive.
My focus is on writing faith-based content to inspire and motivate Christians or those with questions about the Bible and Christian living.
Many little journeys. Where I express life one story and photograph at a time.
all things writing related including books from Johnathon Seymour
Author of legal thriller, THE LAW FIRM OF PSYCHO & SATAN Author of historical romances, HIS MOONBEA
I am so lucky to have a role which gives me exclusive peeks at new bars and restaurants across the co
Believing in yourself is not for you; it's for every person who has touched your life.
A safe space for spiritual inquisitors, alchemical healers, and seekers after Love.
El Tarot y sus arcanos, a la luz de la Teosofia, senderos para la expansión de la conciencia, desci
Matthew is a spiritual director, adjunct professor, neighborhood animator, and occasional writer in Wichita, Kansas.
“Si el amor es como estar poseído, quizá mis cartas de amor sean como un exorcismo. Mis cartas me liberan“.
Miss USA' and 'Miss Universe Official Host. Writer. Coalition with Tesla Stocks
Freelance actor, writer, and producer currently working out of Malibu, California and Wichita, Kansas