(Interview by Underground Nation Magazine, 2017)
Where do you Rep?
I currently reside in Denver, Co born and raised.
What’s your Age?
Currently I am going on 18 years of age.
Do you play an instrument or make your beats or add samples to them?.
These days I mainly work with with producers to create the soundscape for my music. I like to view my music similar to one would a canvas ready for fresh paint, I reach out to other instrumentalist than from there I sometimes add in samples or sound effects to set the particular vibe I am going for. Aside from this I do play the piano.
How did you become involved in this type of music?
I would say that the darker side of music has always captivated me.Growing up in a community where sometimes music was the only way that could truly capture the tribulation that happened right in our backyard pulled me in at an early age.
What do you feel distinguishes “an artist” from just another rapper?
I feel that what separates an artist from just another rapper is certainly versatility. Sometimes I drop full metal projects that sound like something out of one of those old school vampire movies. Other days I feel like tuning into my sense and dropping something atmospheric and speaking to my esoterical beliefs. A true artist isn't afraid to have their art dissected and searched for a deeper meaning than what meets the eye.
How (Why?) did you choose that name?
I decided to go with this name because although nightmares are unpleasant, we learn from them or feel a sort of Déjà vu when they occur. I believe that my music relates to nightmares due to the fact that although it is darker themed it relates to real events that happen in life and you learn something from it or turn off the music feeling different then when you first put the song on.
What made you first realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?
I remember my father coming into my room at night and freestyling for me and overtime it simply hooked me and from there I just knew music was embedded deep in my bones.
What do you consider is your best talent in your whole music process? (Example: Strong writing skills or Excellent Stage Hype etc.)?
I believe my ability to tell an in depth story in fine detail and my motivational drive is certainly one of my strong points as an artist. I can basically use any genre to convey my emotion.
How would you describe your music/art/entertainment for the public audience if they have never seen you before?
My music is simply the representation of life itself with a dark twist to it.
Complete Magazine- https://www.underground-nation.com/product/issue-34-jade-the-nightmare-only-flesh/