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somos un movimiento que pretendemos ayudar a las personas mas necesitas en El salvador, apoyando tambien los nuevos lideres políticos en el salvador, pretendiendo a si cambiar la vieja forma de hacer política, hacer historia en la política
🐺Native American Indians are an important part of the culture of the United States. 🦉Proud to
الهی، مردم سرزمینم را به تو میسپارم، از سختی ها، بلا و مصیبت ها خدایا خودت پناه و تسکین درد هایشان باش. آمین �
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I was brought up to believe that one person, with courage and hard work can make a difference.
Eleni Kounalakis is an American politician and business woman and 50th lieutenant governor of Cali.
HI, I'M DAMON! A pasta loving weirdo who's dating Taylor Swift, she just doesn't know it quite yet.