Well, I have merged my Studio page with Heighten Graphics pages. Just don't have time for three pages. I wanted to keep both pages up, current and running. So:
[email protected]. and. [email protected]. are still open for business. Please know Heighten Graphics is being used at my Ebay account.
Fran Jung Studio HG
This is my studio page. Also my land line to:
Heighten Graphics ([email protected])
my business page. Contact me if you need a commission.
I draw, ink, color in tradional and digital format.
Did 2 pages in the studio for Valor Printing LLC plus started a Rodney C Jacobsen print.

Fran Jung
All inking feedback is welcomed.

Penciler: Jose Luis
Inker: Fran Jung
Inking Practice only, no Profit. Just testing brushes on CSP

Inking in Progress. I looked over all the lines and it seemed busy on Venom's costume not focused. So I re-inked it.
Penciler: Jose Luis
Inker: Fran Jung
And as always, it's for practice/fun only. No Profit

Inking in progress
Penciler: Rodney C Jacobsen aka Art of Rod Jacobsen
Inker: Fran Jung aka Fran Jung Studio

Fran Jung

Had some downtime, so I always wanted to ink something by Joe Madureira. This is just for fun only.

Inking in progress!
Penciler: Rodney C Jacobsen
Inker: Fran Jung

WIP- Inking page 10 of Rod's X-men
Penciler: Rodney C. Jacobsen aka Art of Rod Jacobsen
Inker: Fran Jung aka Fran Jung Studio

Ok, I hope I got this right on the inks? I'm happy with it.
Penciler: Rodney C. Jacobsen aka Art of Rod Jacobsen
Inker: Fran Jung aka Fran Jung Studio
Give me your feedback?
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This is my art page set up for comissions.
You see I’m a guy from the 80’s with a big family. So when I created B Street Graphix it was to have a cool name for my studio. So later I changed it to Fran Jung at B Street Graphix. To show who I was. Since I was 8 I have always drawn. First it was Battleships then Haunted House, Luke Skywalker and then followed by Art Class projects. With the release of Star Wars my imagination was opened to new things. But then I started watching Saturday morning cartoons along with after school cartoons. When I saw 1966 Spider-Man on an earlier Saturday Morning with my brother in the 1980’s. I was hooked on Spidey. Then I went to our local Rite Aid (only place that sold comics close to me) so I bought a Amazing Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Men, Transformers and G.I.Joe Real American Hero comics. I went home and before I read it I was in aw over the art. So I became a comic book ju**ie. I have a mounted of comics and new nothing of collecting them. They carried me through my childhood to this date. In the later years I would get into digital art but I still love freehand. I’ve worked for 2 independent comic company's G2 Comics and UWS Comics. I have also picked up jobs with other creators as well. So I had many name for my page. I just kept coming back to B Street Graphix. You see B Street stands for Bank St. in Baltimore, MD. And Graphix with the X is for the Graffiti art I saw in areas around Baltimore an was amazed that anything could have art put on it. Well now I work as mush as possible to get better at my art. I work at home and I very affordable. I made a promise that 2019 would be the start of something big. I have had some set backs but I keep moving forward.
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