Gigene Wong 袁麒钧

Gigene Wong 袁麒钧

Hi, I am Gigene Wong and welcome to my page as I look at all things Singapore & Singaporean. However, I do like it!

For me, life for me has been challenging, from working aboard in China away from home for the past 20 years, to completing my formal education through part time studying whilst working full time. I believe in turning the "impossible" into the "possible", and to look at different angles in breaking through routines. Perseverance in such a cause has enabled me to success in my career, taking up C-s

TikTok · Gigene Wong 袁麒钧 06/08/2024

Welcome to the latest "Jurassic Park 4" movie, directed by myself....Thank you to my Only 1 Audience ...Pepper! .

TikTok · Gigene Wong 袁麒钧 Check out Gigene Wong 袁麒钧’s video.


Join us on our Singapore 🇸🇬 F1 happy cycling ride, see u soon!

Photos from Gigene Wong 袁麒钧's post 15/05/2024

傍晚骑行了55公里,环绕了半个新加坡,第二天早上还去献血中心如常的每月捐上两包血浆和血清,体力还是蛮好的!为了要更好的照顾身边的家人和为社会做点小贡献吧,一定要保持好精力充沛!Having an evening ride cycling 55 km, covering almost half island of Singapore. The next morning, I went to the blood bank donated two packs of plasma and platelets, it has been my usual monthly routine. I need to stay fit & energetic in order to take care of my family and doing my little …. contribution to our society...


如常每个月捐献两袋血浆和血小板, 从血液里面抽出来, 约两个小时的时间. 今天第52次了, 望能拯救更多在手术室的患者止血,恢复伤口和伤疤,希望有更多的人参与… As usual, every month, I donate two bags of plasma and platelets. It takes nearly 2 hours to extract them from the blood. Today is my 52nd time. I hope to save more patients in the operating room, stop bleeding, and speed the recovery of wounds and scars. Sincerely, I hope more people participate...

Gigene Wong 袁麒钧 Hi, I am Gigene Wong and welcome to my page as I look at all things Singapore & Singaporean.

Photos from Gigene Wong 袁麒钧's post 29/01/2024

上周日,和陈清木医生走访了丰加北和蔡厝港给居民们拜年和派送新年橘子,受到很多老朋友和居民热烈欢迎,祝愿大家龙年身体健康,好事连连,Huat Ah!
Last Sunday, Dr. Tan Cheng Bock & I distributed Mandarin oranges to residents of Hong Kah North & Chao Chu Kang. We met many old friends & were warmly welcomed by the residents. Wishing all of you, a healthy, prosperous Dragon year ahead, Huat Ah!


丰加北的居民们, 大家好!来临的星期天1月29日早晨陈清木医生和我将会到访丰加北和武吉干柏巴刹跟大家拜年!祝大家新年快乐!
Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to the resident of Hong Kah North!
This coming Sunday 29 January, Doctor Tan Cheng Bock & myself will be visiting Hong Kah North & Bukit Gombak Neighbourhood Centre to wish all of you Happy New Year! hope to see you soon!

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Hi all!

I am Gigene Wong, and welcome to my page as I look at all things Singapore and Singaporean.

For me, life for me has been challenging, from working aboard in China away from home for the past 20 years, to completing my formal education through part time studying whilst working full time. However, I do like it! I believe in turning the "impossible" into the "possible", and to look at different angles in breaking through routines.

Perseverance in such a cause has enabled me to success in my career, taking up C-suite positions in MNCs and public listed companies, and I even completed my Masters as well! After working hard on my career all my life, I guess in the eyes of a typical Singaporean, I have managed to succeed.

Despite it all, Singapore is the one place I truly call home, and I have decided to come back. To make a difference in the lives of Singaporeans by helping them out all that I can. Hopefully with this page, I will also be able to also voice out the views of ordinary Singaporeans as well.

Ultimately, my wish for Singapore as a nation is to continue prospering and for Singaporeans, to be truly happy.

Anyway if you are still reading this, I just need a small favor from you...

Do remember to like, comment and share my content. :)

Videos (show all)

Welcome to Clementi Forest!
Night cycling to MBS, Welcome new cyclist Kris Lee on board!欢迎新伙伴Kris Lee加入夜骑到金沙!
Mount Kinabalu, here I m! 亚庇神山我来了!
PSP cycling walk at West Coast GRC
丰加北的居民们, 大家好!来临的星期天1月29日早晨陈清木医生和我将会到访丰加北和武吉干柏巴刹跟大家拜年!祝大家新年快乐!Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to the resident of Hong Kah No...





Jurong East