This pikin don spoil work for Mazzi | Na to turn dis pikin to fowl
Educative and realistic content creator | Actor
Mazzi mùst finish what he started
This woman from Akwa Ibom have defiled my Powers, why at this time | I need to fortify myself the more
This man from India came back with too much powers | Mazzi don jam powers
Very dark man, Nedu and DeeOne Saga | My 2cent
Una no dey do Valentine’s Day for person | Where are my widows
Anambra native doctors on the run
Unizik Lecturer vs Student saga | This is sad
Evul man tampered with a woman’s pregnancy inside keke | The days are evul
Power jam power
Tenant don knack landlord wife for free
Juju pass juju
Confession of a hotel worker | Hotel Workers Don't Want You To Know This
Honest c0nfession of a c0ffin maker | whoever patr0nizes him goes back to bųy again after a short time
The disappearing girl | My eye don see by back today
He ch0p my w0man and I turn him to Egg
Power pass power | He planted juju in a junction for Acc!dent to happen but see as e take go
Which kind Barrister I hire for myself like dis | Does dis mean that my m0ney is gone
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