The Government announced in recent weeks the extension of the IVF medication refund scheme for those prospective parents who underwent medically assisted procreation treatment in private licensed clinics in Malta. The Ministry of Health and Active Ageing has now announced that the Embryo Protection Authority will collect the information of those who underwent this treatment in private clinics abroad from last year until now.
L-Awtorità għall-Protezzjoni tal-Embrijun titlob lill-koppji li għamlu l-IVF barra minn Malta biex javviċinawha - TVMnews tkellem mal-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtoritaà għall-Protezzjoni tal-Embrijun, Simone Attard, li spjegat li wara li l-Awtorità kienet ħabbret li se jibdew isiru fil-privat medja ta' 100 proċedura tal-IVF fix-xahar għal sitt xhur għal dawk li kienu fuq il-lista ta' stennija tal-Isptar Mater ...